Special Episode: 2

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I was walking through the streets of Seoul which was filled with stores, cafes, restaurants, PC bangs (PC rooms), and etc.

It was late afternoon, and the street was filled with many people. Some were ordinary people just walking to somewhere, and many were students wearing school uniforms with their heavy backpacks slung over their shoulders and heading toward various academies.

I was heading toward a small art academy where it was located at the second floor of a small building.

I entered the building, hitched a ride on the elevator and went up to the second floor. Then, I walked through the hallway until I was in front of the small art academy.

I opened the door and entered.

The small art academy had two small rooms, one was the place where the students drew, and the other was the office of the teacher.

When I entered, the teacher was waiting for me. There were only few students who attended this academy (but it could still support itself) so there were no one in the academy except me right now (others had already left).

The teacher looked to be in her late 30s or early 40s. She had a kind and a peaceful face, with only few wrinkles, but she had few strands of grey hair among the black hair.

She greeted me when I entered, and I sat on one of the few chairs and I put down my backpack on the ground.

I pulled out my sketchbook while the teacher was setting up the easel in front of me. After I put the sketchbook on the easel, I pulled out my palette, a bottle which was already filled with water, and a pencil case.

"What . . . do . . . you . . . want . . . to . . . draw . . . today?" My teacher asked.

I thought for a moment.

I always loved drawing flowers because of their beauty, but today, I wanted to draw something else.

Something that matched the Christmas theme . . .

What's an iconic object of Christmas? I thought.

Santa Clause, my mind answered.

Santa isn't an object, I answered. Something that relates to decorations . . .

Then and idea popped into my brain.

How about a Christmas tree?

"I think I'm going to draw a Christmas tree," I answered my teacher.

I knew how a Christmas tree looked like, so I didn't have to see the object itself to draw it.

I opened my pencil case and pulled out a 4B pencil and started to draw the outline of a Christmas tree with thin lines.

Yes, I could draw flowers with ease, without drawing an outline, but this was a different story. One time, I tried to draw a tree without drawing an outline, but I failed miserably (the end product looked like a monster).

I started by drawing the bone structure of the tree. Most of the people just started drawing the outline, but I was different. I wanted everything to be perfect when I drew, even trees.

My teacher stood next to me while I was drawing the outline of the Christmas tree. She pointed out mistakes or tips, which I listened and followed.

When I finished drawing the outline, I picked up the brush, plucked the tip into the water bottle for just a second, and shook it to get some moisture off the brush.

Then, I put the brush into a green paint on the palette, made sure that the green paint was smeared onto it, and started to draw the Christmas tree.

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