Chapter 26: Happy Birthday

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Ahri quickly went up to the small table and quickly picked up the long bread and ran back to the entrance. Usually, she would've lit up the campfire in the entrance by now, but today she didn't do it. If she lit up the campfire, the golden candles that she'd lit up would lose their decorative purposes.

She sat in front of the remains of the campfire while steadying her breath. She hugged the long bread while staring out at the world that was now dark, the stars filling the night sky. She waited for Jeffric to come while feeling the night's soft wind touching her face and making her long braided hair slightly sway behind her.

I walked toward the cave while making myself feel calm.

I'd decided that I'd give her the present when I get back to the cave.

"Don't chicken on me, Jeffric," I whispered to myself. "Just believe in yourself . . ."

I kept on walking and soon the cave came into view. Then, I noticed something strange. By now, when the sun had set, Ahri would lit up the campfire. But today, the campfire wasn't lit and a warm glow was coming from the inside of the cave.

And Ahri was sitting in the entrance as if she was waiting for me while hugging something.

What's going on? I wondered and approached the entrance while curiosity got the better of me.

"Ahri, what's going on?" I asked her as I approached her closer. Now, I could see that polished stones and marbles that used to be placed next to the table were now placed around the entrance, their smooth surface reflecting the lights that were emitted from golden candles that were placed along the cave walls behind her.

Ahri was smiling at me, and she stood up quickly when I was only a foot away.

"H-Happy birthday, Jeffric!" Ahri said and presented me with the thing that she was hugging. I received it with both of my hands and saw that it was a long bread.

I stared at the bread. Then I looked up at Ahri, confusion filling my mind.

"But my birthday already past . . ." I said in a confused voice.

"Well . . ." Ahri said while grasping both of her hands nervously while giving me a shy smile. "Today is the day when we've met for the first time just a year ago . . . so maybe we could celebrate your birthday today because . . . because . . . well . . . we could celebrate the day when we've first met at the same time!"

I could tell that Ahri was getting nervous because a few beads of sweat trickled down her face while she smiled nervously. And I could tell that she was cringing because both of her fox ears were standing straight up on her head.

Celebrating my birthday and the day when we've met . . . I thought. She is so kind to me . . .

I smiled at her gratefully while hugging the bread that she'd given to me.

"I think it's a great idea, Ahri." I felt a warmth spreading in my heart and I hugged her, being careful not to squash the bread. "Thank you so much . . ."

Ahri stared down at the boy she'd known for a year who was now hugging her. She saw that he'd changed while he lived with her.

Jeffric had been a scrawny and bony boy with hollow cheeks when she'd first met him. But now, he'd gained more fat than before. His body was still scrawny, but they weren't bony as they were before. And, his cheeks were not hollow anymore, making him look more lively than before.

But sadly, he was still about a head and a half shorter than her.

When he let go of her, Ahri smiled at him. "Now, I think it's time to give you the present."

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