Chapter 13: Insanity and Tears

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(Warning! This chapter may be disturbing to some (many) readers. You have been warned and please read this chapter with caution. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

Something was wrong.

I looked around and saw that I was standing on a landscape which was the color of burnt ashes. I looked up and saw that the sky was dark. There were no stars nor a moon.

Then I realized that it was hard to distinguish which was the landscape and which was the sky.

I suddenly noticed that the ground around me was visible, illuminated by a blue light

And it was coming from behind me.

"Hello, Jeffric," a cold voice said from behind me.

I whirled around and saw who spoke and what was the source of the illumination.

A gigantic blue orb was standing on the dark ground, illuminating the blue light around it while glowing with warmth. And a stream of blue mist was floating down onto it from the dark skies above.

And the person standing beside it . . .

My eyes grew wide when I saw who it was.

It was . . . me?!

No, it wasn't me, because he had red eyes. Red eyes full of anger, hatred, and insanity.

"How nice to see you, my 'friend'," the person said while stepping toward me.

I stepped back in uneasily.

"Wh-who're you?" I asked in a trembling voice "H-how did you know my n-name?"

The person chuckled, and it sent chills down my spine.

"Oh, Jeffric," the person finally said, "you know what I am."

I shook my head while trying to contain my fear. "I-I don't k-know you."

The person looked at me with an amused smile on his face. "Of course, you know me," the person said, "you created me, insufferable bastard!"

"W-what do you—?"

"Oh, now you want to know how you created me," the person said sarcastically and started to laugh hysterically. I started to feel horror rising in my stomach when I heard his voice and laughter. They started to sound like . . . demonic all of a sudden.

Who was he?

Why did he have my face?

And why was he saying that I'd created him?

"Well, Jeffric, my old friend," the insane person said, and before I knew it, he was standing right next to me with his arm over my shoulder. I froze with fear while trying to process what just happened.

"Well, Jeffric, my old friend," he repeated, "you always hated all the people in your village because they abused you, right?"

I stayed quiet.

"They mocked you, spoke behind you, ignored you, teased you, pushed you around, and other horrible things, eh?" he said as if he was talking to his buddy, "and you always cried alone in the corner of your room, with no one to talk to and no one to comfort you that everything will be "OK" while you pushed your anger, hatred, and your longings into the depths of your soul."

To me, it seemed as if the person's voice was filling with malice.

"And do you know what those anger, hatred, and your longings formed inside the depths of your soul?"

I violently shook my head.

The person's grin grew wider, revealing his sharp-looking teeth.

"They formed into me, Jeffric," the person said gleefully, "and so, you created me."

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