Special Episode: 6

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Evelynn dragged me into the elevator and she pressed the button for the 1st floor. I nervously stared at her while fear crept into my heart.

Ahri was 167.6cm tall while Evelynn was 164cm tall. I was about 4cm shorter than Ahri, so I was about 1cm shorter than Evelynn. But for some reason, she seemed even taller than that. This fact alone made my skin crawl as if a cold wind was blowing onto my skin.

"What questions d-do you want to ask m-me?" I asked her.

She fixed her cold gaze on me, which made me shut my mouth.

"Just wait," she said.

Then, the elevator reached the first floor.

Evelynn stepped out while dragging me with her. We went across the lobby, her high heels making rhythmic noises on the ground, and out into the parking lot. There were several cars in there, and she headed toward one in particular; an expensive-looking purple sportscar.

My mouth dropped open in wonder because of its slick and cool design.

I wish I could have something like that . . . I thought sadly, knowing that I'd only two percent chance of owning a cool-looking sports car in my life.

She grabbed the handle of the right door and the car made an unlocking noise. Then, she opened it and pushed me in. After that, she walked behind her sports car, opened the car trunk, shut it after a moment, walked toward the left door, opened it, and stepped in, sitting on the driver's seat while closing the door shut.

She had a pair of purple velvet-like tails that had a golden spear thingy, that had a diamond-shaped hole, attached on tips of both tails attached to the purple fur tippet that she was now wearing on the axillary sections of her arms.

Evelynn was wearing the velvet tails that she wore on the concerts of K/DA.

Back then, they looked awesome. But now, they looked scary to me, and the fact that both of the golden tips of the tails were pointing directly at me didn't help at all.

She started the engine by inserting the car key into the ignition and twisting it while moving the gear stick into place.

"This is a new sports car that I bought," Evelynn said, "do you like it?"

"Uhhh . . . yeah," I said while looking around in confusion and awe. I was still confused because of the alcohol affecting my judgment while being awed because I'd never seen the interior of a sports car before in my life. Plus, I was kind of dizzy, too.

The place smelled like roses. The seats were made of reddish-black leather and there was a screen placed in front of me.

I gingerly reached out to the screen in curiosity.

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. It."

I flinched and retreated my hand away from the screen. "S-Sorry!" I squeaked.

Evelynn drove the sports car out of the parking space and into the streets of Seoul while turning on the radio to listen to music.

A rock music that I never heard before started to flow out of the radio, the sound small enough for it to sound like soothing music that made me feel sleepy and calm in this scary situation.

Now, because of the alcohol, I started to get car sick, but the soothing music helped me to endure it.

After some minutes of driving, she drove her sports car into an alleyway between two buildings. When we reached the end, she stopped her sports car and unseized her hands from the steering wheel, while turning off the car's engine and the radio instantly, creepy quietness suddenly filling the sports car.

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