Chapter 5: The Another Beginning (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

I stared at her with my mouth opened wide. "Wh-what?" I asked in a confused voice.

"I said," Ahri said slowly as if I were a baby. To be fair, she might be hundreds or thousands of years old, so it was technically true. "We could go there together."

I stared at her.

'If I go with her,' I thought as fear touched my heart, 'she could devour my soul! And I'll be nothing but a dead corpse in the middle of nowhere . . .'

But, she wasn't acting hostile right now. And, she would've just killed me while I was sleeping.

'Maybe it's safe to go with her?' I wondered. Then I frowned. 'But she is the nine-tailed fox demon from those legends and folktales . . .'

I kept on pondering my options, which were quite limited.

At last, after letting out a shaky breath, I made my choice.

"S-sure, wh-why not?" I squeaked, sounding like a mouse who could talk.

Ahri smiled at me and stood up. "Excellent!" she said, turning around. "Now, follow me."

She then started to walk toward the other side of the clearing.

I stood up slowly and did as I was told.

'This is a bad idea, this is a bad idea, this is a bad idea!' My mind started screaming with these thoughts.

'Stop making me panic!' I yelled at my mind. 'Maybe she's actually a good person . . . maybe.'

But my mind kept on yelling at me that this was a bad idea.

I sighed heavily, looking at Ahri's back, which was obscured by her nine fuzzy-looking white fox tails.

'There is nothing to worry about,' I reassured myself. 'Nothing will go wrong . . .' Then I clasped both of my trembling hands in prayer. 'Oh, dear spirit of the First Lands . . . please let me be right . . .'


"How long does it take to arrive at the village?" I asked her. While we were traveling for the whole day, Ahri didn't make any moves to attack me or something, so I started to calm down. She even tried providing me lunch, too, which I declined because I was still full from that breakfast.

'Maybe I was right about her being a good person,' I thought tentatively. "One or two days," she answered, looking up at the sky.

I looked up, too, and saw that it was getting dark.

"Umm . . . I think we should find somewhere to stay." I nervously glanced sideways at the now darker forest. The forest's trees were getting shorter and shorter when we kept on walking. And, the terrain became less rough than before.

"You're right," Ahri agreed, looking around like a hunter searching for an animal. Then she pointed at a cave nearby. "How about staying in that cave?"

"G-great idea." I nodded and we head to it. The cave was located at the side of a rocky hill covered in trees. It wasn't large, but not small either. Its entrance was tall enough to walk through, and it was almost obscured by some vines, which Ahri tore down before entering.

The inside of the cave was kind of small, square-shaped, and looked as if it could be filled with five horses.

I sat down at the corner of the rocky cave and sighed deeply while massaging my legs with my hands.

Ahri sat down at the other corner of the cave, gazing at the entrance.

"Aren't you hungry?" Ahri asked, turning her head to look at me.

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