Chapter 11: A Flower

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These days, my dreams were kind of strange. Yes, I still dreamed thousands of memories passing by me, but these days, they were becoming clearer. And, the memories started to become darker and darker. The memories of happy families and happy occasions were gone, replaced with scenes of arguments, fights, and people screaming at each other.

When I woke up, my head felt as if it was filled with something muddy. So, I tried to touch my head, but I noticed that I couldn't move my arms. That was when I noticed that I was tangled in these soft and furry . . . tails?

Then, I realized that I was tangled in Ahri's nine tails!

I tried to get up, but the tails were tangled around my body like knots or something. I struggled while trying not to wake up Ahri. But it was no use.

"A-Ahri?" I said tentatively.

Ahri was lying next to me, her back to me while facing the outside of the cave (which was still kind of dark). When I called her name, she stirred slightly. Then she yawned and turned her head toward me, looking at my condition. At first, she had a confused expression on her face. Then, the expression turned into an expression that indicated that the person was trying hard not to laugh.

"Jeffric," Ahri giggled playfully, "what're you doing?"

"N-nothing!" I answered while blushing. "T-this was an accident!"

Ahri gave into laughter while moving her nine tails to untangle me. After a minute, I was freed. I stood up while trying not to look embarrassed.

"S-sorry," I said while looking down at the rocky floor of the cave.

"It's OK, little one," Ahri answered while patting my head reassuringly, "you don't have to apologize."

I glanced up at her and saw that she was giggling with amusement while covering her mouth with her left hand.

"Now," she said after she stopped giggling, "let's eat breakfast, shall we?"

It was early afternoon. I was walking through the crowded street of the village that was near the cave (you know, the village which was in the 30 minutes of walk). I was just looking around because of no reason. By the way,I felt kind of good to be around so many people who didn't minded that I was here.

I know what you might be wondering; "Being ignored makes you feel good?"

Well, let me tell you that it's much better than being teased or jeered or attacked at. No eyes filled with provoke staring at me, no fingers pointing at me, no voices yelling at me, no fists punching my body. It just felt . . . blissful, as if I'd become a part of a calm lake.

I walked around a bend and found myself in a crowded street filled with people buying or selling things that I'd never seen before.

Merchants, shopkeepers, and traders were showing off the things that they were selling while villagers were swarming around, trying to buy or just looking in curiosity.

And I'd to say that the things that they were selling were marvelous. There were colorful stones that looked almost like gems, tasty-looking fruits, necklaces that were in various shapes and sizes, tasty looking fruits that I'd never seen before, magical-looking plant, and other wonderful things.

"Wow," I marveled at the objects while walking past the stalls or the shops.

Since I started to stay with Ahri in the cave, I sometimes visited this place to look at the new goods or new objects.

The village that I used to live in was a closed village, no people coming in or going out. They just cut themselves from the outer world for reasons unknown. So, I'd never known that these kinds of objects even existed in the first place!

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