Special Episode: 11 (17+)

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You already know this, but I'm telling you again that this is 17+.

Evelynn was lying on Jeffric's bed with her legs crossed while her head pressed onto the pillow. She was staring up at the ceiling of his room while daydreaming about something. Then, she yawned and licked her lips.

"So . . . Jeffric sleeps on this bed, huh . . ." Her voice was filled with amusement. After saying that, she laughed in a seductive manner and rubbed her body against the mattress.

Suddenly, the door opened and Akali stepped in. "Oh, there you were Eve. I just want to ask—" She stopped in mid-sentence when she saw that Evelynn was lying on Jeffric's bed. ". . . why are you lying on Jeffric's bed?"

"I absolutely have no idea," Evelynn answered in a lazy manner while closing her eyes.

Akali didn't answer for a moment. Then Evelynn heard footsteps getting closer. Then she heard Akali saying in an exasperated voice: "Please don't tell me that you're having a . . . 'fantasy' about Jeffric."

Evelynn just smirked. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not." When she heard Akali sighing, her smirk grew even more.

"Anyways, Ahri just left to visit her fashion designer friends. She told me that they've made something new for her."

"I already know she'd left, Rogue. I heard the front door opening and closing."


Suddenly, Evelynn felt a heavyweight being set onto the edge of the bed. When she opened her right eye to gaze at what the source was, she saw Akali sitting on the edge of the bed with her back facing her. If she moved her crossed legs slightly to the side, her foot might hit Akali's side.

"It's good to see Ahri returning to her usual self, am I right?" Akali asked in a relieved voice while crossing her legs that were hanging over the bed's edge. "I mean, she didn't visit those fashion designers for a long time."

"And, she started to shop at the emporiums again too," Evelynn added. "Though, she still didn't return to gracing walkways on fashion shows."

"Maybe it's too tiring for her," Akali suggested in a thoughtful voice.


Akali stretched her arms into the air while slightly groaning. "Well, anyway, I think Jeffric helped her out on relieving the stress by being next to her."

"Oh? What makes you say that?"

"Didn't you see how she'd looked at Jeffric when he was still asleep?" Akali placed her hand on the bed to emphasize the event that'd happened just a few hours ago. "Something about her gaze was much happier than . . . that day. And she seems to be a lot more . . . how do I put it . . . energetic whenever she is with him."

Evelynn knew what she was talking about. A few months ago, when Ahri had told them that she needed a break, she looked as if she was drained of her usual lively-energy. She was, after all, suffering from hate mails that were sent by the anti-fans. And when Evelynn had seen her eyes, they were empty like a void; filled with emptiness. Then, she recalled how her eyes looked a few hours ago when they were staring at Jeffric's sleeping form. They were filled with affection, tenderness, joy, and . . . love?

I'm not sure about the last part . . . Evelynn thought. "I think you're right, Akali."

There was a pause for a moment.

"By the way, we should visit the K/DA house again soon. I mean, we didn't visit there for a few months." There was a hint of longing in Akali's voice.

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