Special Episode: 1 (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

(there are three special episodes which were uploaded onto the Fanfiction.net when it was Christmas and the day before the New Year. And, this takes place in an alternative universe where the world of League of Legends and reality are morphed into one)

I woke up when the sunlight suddenly struck my face.

"Huh?" I asked in a confused voice while trying to block my eyes with both of my hands and arms. "What's going on . . . ?"

"Wake up, little guy!" I heard a voice talking to me.

It was Ahri.

"No . . . I don't want to wake up," I half whined, and half moaned, covering my entire body including my face with the blanket.

I was starting to doze off when my blanket was suddenly pulled out of my grasp.


Then, I felt Ahri pinching my cheek.

"Wake up," Ahri drawled seductively as she pinched the other cheek.

"Nooo . . ." I groaned, trying to push her hands away. My eyes were shut tight, and my body didn't want to wake up.

Suddenly, Ahri started to tickle me with both of her hands.

"No! Hey! Hahaha! Eeek! S-stop! Stop tickling me— Ah!"

I waved my arms and legs around as Ahri mercilessly kept on tickling me. She knew that my mortal weakness was tickling.

"A-Ahri," I begged while laughing at the same time, "please, s-stop tickling!"

"It's too late for mercy," she said slyly and didn't stop.

I jolted here and there and soon fell off from my bed and onto the ground.

"Ouch!" I yelped and opened my eyes.

Ahri was laughing with humor with both of her hands clutching her stomach.

"S-s-sorry," she said while laughing.

Ahri was wearing a pair of short jeans and a sleeveless shirt. Her nine fox tails were swaying behind her and her blond fox ears were moving slightly sideways as if they were indicating that she was being playful or something. Her golden hair looked like an angel's as they swayed when she laughed.

She helped me get up while still laughing.

"P-please, cut it out," I complained, blushing with embarrassment, my gaze staring down at the floor.

She pinched both of my cheeks with both of her hands. "Sorry, Jeffric," Ahri said. "But I just can't help it!"

"Ow!" I yelped when my cheeks started to hurt.

She let go and led me into the big dining room because I was still groggy. The smell of bacon wafted through the air, and Christmas songs were being played on Ahri's smartphone on the dining table. Next to her smartphone, there were two plates filled with slices of bacon.

"Yes!" I cheered. "Bacon!"

I leaped onto the chair placed in front of the dining table, grabbed a fork placed next to the plate, and thanked Ahri for the slices of bacon

"I really love your bacon, Ahri," I complimented while stuffing my mouth with them. "They're really tasty!"

"Well, thanks, Jeffric," Ahri said with a proud smile, sitting down on the opposite side of the dining table. "I really like it when you compliment me for my food."

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