Chapter 22: Ionia

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Hey, guys. I decided to scrap the idea of a Q&A and came up with a new idea. I can't tell you what this new idea is, but I'll do my best to make it enjoyable. Thank you so much for reading! :)

Ahri was wearing the gray hooded cloak that covered her fox ears and her nine foxtails. She was hurriedly running toward the direction of the village through the rows of gigantic trees and bushes.

Then, she suddenly tripped on a tree root that was sticking out of the ground and she fell, face first, onto the ground.

She groaned while standing up slowly. It was soon going to be lunchtime, and she knew that Jeffric was going to take a break soon.

She was about to continue running but stopped when she felt that someone was standing behind her. She froze while trying to look behind by moving only her eyes to the side while not turning her head but it was useless.

She stood there for a moment, not moving at all.

Then, she whirled around while summoning a destructive sphere in her right hand, expecting to see something dangerous.

Instead, she saw a woman standing just a few meters away.

The woman was young and beautiful. She had long brown hair that reached her back and a pair of sparkling green eyes. She was wearing a long green gown entirely made of plants and flowers and she wasn't wearing any shoes. Her face was a little bit hollow like a person who was starved. She radiated light around her, making the plants and trees around her look more life-like.

In short; she resembled Jeffric.

"How did you—?!" Ahri stepped back away from the woman while confusion filled her mind. She was confused because the woman really resembled Jeffric, the boy she'd known almost for a year.

How can two people look so similar?

A welcoming smile spread across the woman's face, her green eyes looking directly into Ahri's golden eyes.

"Hello Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox." Her voice sounded like the cool wind blowing through the forest of Ionia. "It's my honor to finally meet you."

"What do you want from me?" Ahri asked while nervously tightening the cloak around her body with her hands. The woman seemed friendly, but Ahri was still cautious.

"There is no need to be scared, Ahri," the woman spoke in a reassuring voice. "I'm just here to tell you something important about your little friend, Jeffric."

Ahri froze. "How . . . how did you know his name?"

Suddenly, sadness filled her eyes, her smile turning into a sad one.

"I'm his mother."

Ahri was stunned.

Jeffric's mother? Ahri thought while looking at the woman in front of her. But she doesn't fit the description . . .

She had seen his mother through his memories when she was devouring his life essence. The woman in front of her didn't look like the mother that was shown in his memories at all.

"It's a complicated story," the woman explained. "I was Jeffric's father's first wife. He was a lovely man, always warm as the sunlight, gentle as a breeze." Then suddenly, her sad smile turned into an expression of someone who'd lost something valuable to him or her while her eyes looked like they were seeing something in the distance. "But everything went wrong when the Noxus invaded." Tears started to trickle down her soft cheek, so she wiped them away and continued with a slightly wavering voice. "Jeffric was only a baby when it happened. The Noxians . . . they invaded our village and killed his beloved sister . . . he blamed me for her death and turned his back on me and left with baby Jeffric . . . since then, I observed my ex-husband from the distance and witness him changing into a monster . . ."

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