🔮 Detective's Demise 🔮

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Ships In This Oneshot

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Making his way to the dungeon, Kokichi held his head high to prevent his subordinates from seeing any weakness in their leader. He couldn't help but wonder how someone found him though, he liked to think the location of his headquarters was unknown to all outside beings.

With two of his highest-ranking members on either side of him, Kokichi stepped into the dungeon cell, his cape causing him to appear larger than he actually was to the prisoner. Handcuffed to the wall was a lanky, blue-haired boy with eyes mimicking gold. "Boss, they haven't said anything yet." 

"Thank you, Tadashi." Kokichi nodded at Tadashi, knowing his smile of acknowledgement remained unnoticeable behind his mask. "Now, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? After all, you aren't going to see anyone else for a while." He spoke to his prisoner.

"I'm not telling you anything." The prisoner attempted to act tough, although anyone could see the terror dancing behind his eyes.

"Too bad. I guess I'll have to slowly tear out your fingernails and replace them with your teeth." Kokichi chuckled to himself, lying through his teeth. His facade seemed to work, as always, since the prisoner's body perked up with horror.

"F-fine. What do you want to know?"

"Hmm, let's see... What's your name, who do you work for, what are your pronouns?" The prisoner seemed confused at the last question, so Kokichi decided to explain. "We can't be referring to you with the wrong pronouns, can we?"

"Um... well, my name is Shuichi. I'm a-"

"Ah ah." Kokichi interrupted. "Full, name."

"Shuichi Saihara. I'm a private detective, I don't work with anyone else. My pronouns are he/him."

"Don't work for anyone else huh? Are you sure?" Shuichi nodded. "I don't think so. I'll ask one more time, who do you work for?" 

"I told you, I work alone." 

"Hmm, such a shame," Kokichi mumbled, edging towards the trapped boy and reaching for one of his hands. "Wow, such pretty nails. It must take a long time to paint them this nice shade of black. Which one should I rip out first?" 

"Wait!" Shuichi shouted, causing Kokichi to flinch and hope no one noticed. 

"Oh?~ Change your mind?"

"I work for the Kirigiri Agency, Branch 17, I was given a case involving DICE."

"What was supposed to be the outcome of this case?" 

"To arrest the leader, who I'm assuming is you." Kokichi laughed in Shuichi's face, turning away from the boy to take off his mask and wipe away his tears.

"What did you find when you searched him?" The leader asked Tadashi, who immediately emptied a small bag's contents on the stone floor.

"His phone, keys and wallet. The wallet contains his ID and some change. Nothing out of the ordinary." Kokichi took the phone and giggled, dropping it to the ground and slamming his heel into it as hard as possible. Crunching glass scratched into everyone's ears.

"Do you have a spare uniform?" 

"Right here, Boss." A member of DICE pulled a white uniform from thin air, handing over the neatly folded pile. 

Kokichi took the clothes and threw them at Shuichi. "Get changed. Tadashi, bring him to my office when he's done." He, along with the two other members that accompanied him to the dungeon, left the cell. 

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