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Ships In This Oneshot

Momoguji - Momota Kaito x Shinguji Korekiyo
[Implied] Saiouma - Saihara Shuichi x Ouma Kokichi

Requested by: Someone on AO3

Non-canon Shinguji backstory.


Kaito threw open the lab door, yanking it closed behind him as he entered. Facing the middle of the Ultimate Anthropologist's lab, he glimpsed his target standing alone as he analysed objects that seemed meaningless to the astronaut. "Ah, Momota, welcome." Korekiyo turned to acknowledge his visitor.

Without responding, Kaito stormed up to the tall man and grabbed him by the collar of his olive-green uniform. He didn't say a word. Kaito stared into his eyes. They were golden with a hint of a greenish-grey, which could've been an illusion due to the shadow of his hat. The colour was hidden behind the thin frame of his eyes lined with thick eyeliner. "I wonder what has you this mad." Shinguji's calmness didn't waver, it was something that Kaito admired.

"There are whispers around that you're planning a murder," Kaito stated. He didn't want to believe it, but he couldn't risk his friends dying. Not when they'd been winning the fight against Monokuma for so long.

"I can assure you, I am not," Shinguji replied. He didn't sound fazed by the accusation in the slightest.

"You can't. Don't fall for Monokuma's tricks. Saihara will uncover everything and you'll have died in vain. Shinguji, you can't die." Kaito took a deep breath to regain his composure. He couldn't cry, not here and not in front of Shinguji of all people.

"Again, I assure you that I have no such plans," Shinguji stated. Kaito continued to glare at the other, staring directly into his eyes for any hint of deception. Saihara had said it was a trick detective's used, surely it couldn't be too hard for him, right? Wrong. Shinguji revealed nothing. He wanted to take his word as is, to believe the anthropologist. "May you unhand me?"

"Oh, sorry," Kaito muttered. He released his grip from the other's clothing and stared at the ground. Neither took a step away from the other, remaining in close proximity. It wasn't too uncomfortable.

"I shall never murder. I'm incapable of such a heinous crime." Shinguji broke the silence. Kaito wondered if the other could sense the astronaut's internal dilemma.

"Why?" He needed to know, he needed proof that Shinguji was trustworthy. Despite taking people's word as the truth (minus Ouma), Kaito needed to know one certain person would be safe.

"My sister was murdered at seven years of age. I was five at the time," Shinguji muttered from behind his black mask. It covered his nose and disappeared underneath the collar of his uniform. "After witnessing and suffering the result, I could never take a life. Not after how it affected my family and I."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that..." Kaito muttered. He didn't know how to respond. This wasn't the expected route that Kaito's confrontation would take.

"It's quite alright. I trust you with keeping my secret," Shinguji nodded. That seemed to be his version of a smile, whether he noticed it or not.

This confused Kaito though. "Why?" They were in a killing game, why trust him?

"There is... something about you. I have the sensation that I may place my life in your hands and remain safe." Despite Shinguji's calm and composed attitude, he seemed a little odd. Embarrassment, maybe? No, it couldn't be.

Shock hit Kaito like a train. He wondered if he was only hearing what he wanted to. Those words held a deeper meaning that Kaito longed for. "I... feel the same." Staring at each other, the two stood in silence. The room watched them, a stagnant, ancient air brushing against their skin. "Um, we're all eating in the dining hall at the moment, do you want to come with me?"

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