🎀 Kokichi's Secret 🎀

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Ships In This Oneshot

Oumami - Kokichi x Rantaro

This chapter was inspired by SIMPERS_UNITE.

Just a heads up, when I use the word torch it means flashlight, not a wooden stick on fire lmao.


"At least I know two plus two!" Kokichi shouted, a malicious grin on his face as he continued to fight with Kaito in the middle of the dining hall. Everyone around them ignored the two, but Rantaro kept a close eye on his boyfriend in his peripheral vision.

"At least I have friends!"

"I'm dating Rantaro you idiot, I don't need friends." Kokichi pointed a finger in Kaito's face, grinning.

"Get off me!" Kaito scowled, shoving his hands against Kokichi's chest and pushing the boy away from him. Within an instant, Rantaro stood and stood between the two boys before Kaito could voice a thought prominent in his mind at the contact.

"There isn't any need to get physical." He glowered at Kaito, glancing at Kokichi to notice tears welling up in his eyes.

"Yeah, Kaito! That really hurt! Wah!" Kokichi cried, crocodile tears pouring from his eyes as he wailed. Everyone rolled their eyes at the childish behaviour, but Rantaro knew deep down that it was Kokichi's way of covering up his real emotions.

"Come on, maybe you two need time apart," Rantaro suggested, taking Kokichi's hand in his and making his way to the side entrance, leaving the academy and hurrying behind the large building. "Kokichi, are you alright?"

"Rantaro he felt my chest, I think he knows. I'm scared, what if he tells everyone?! I'm not ready for that!" Kokichi instantly freaked out, throwing his hands in the air and pacing around whilst Rantaro watched. He noticed the purplette's tear-stained face, this time a true indication of his emotions.

"Come here," Rantaro opened his arms, sitting on the ground. Kokichi turned and sat in his boyfriend's lap, curling up into a ball and crying into Rantaro's chest. "It's okay babe, everything will be fine. No one believes Kaito anyway." He soothed the boy like a child, stroking his wavy hair.

"Puhuhuhu!~" The speakers inside the academy could just be heard clearly by the two as Monokuma made an announcement. "Make your way to the gymnasium for an extra fun surprise kids!"

"Kokichi, are you going to be alright?" Rantaro whispered, holding the boy's head in the crook of his neck. He nodded, sniffing and wiping his eyes as he stood up, helping Rantaro to his feet. "I'm always here for you, everything will be okay."

"I know. Thanks 'Mami." Rantaro chuckled at the nickname, taking immense pride in the giggle from Kokichi. The two interlocked their fingers and made their way to the gymnasium to see their surprise.


"Alright, now that you lot are finally here, here's the surprise!" Monokuma cheered, picking up a torch in his paw and throwing it into the crowd. "It's a flashback light with a little twist! Have fun!~" With that, he disappeared, leaving the teenagers to their own devices.

"Should we turn it on?" Shuichi asked no one in particular, catching the light when Monokuma threw it.

"He never said we had to," Korekiyo remarked. Everyone nodded at each other, silently agreeing not to use the flashback light. Rantaro noticed a familiar bear appearing behind Shuichi. Before he had the chance to warn the detective, Monokuma grabbed the torch and disappeared, teleporting to the stage and turning on the torch with a laugh.

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