🌺 The Happiest I've Ever Been 🌺

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Ships In This Oneshot

Amasai - Amami Rantaro x Saihara Shuichi

This is for IntrovertMewo1! Happy birthday! I hope you like it :D


Groaning, Shuichi's eyelids fluttered as he awoke. Sunlight peeked through the closed curtains, a warm beam hitting Shuichi's skin. He finally opened his eyes to see another pair staring at him from an eerily close distance. They were a deep green, mimicking that of healthy ferns in the spring. Shuichi knew these eyes well, but that didn't mean they didn't startle him.

"H-Huh?! Ah!" Shuichi shouted as he flinched.

"Sorry for scaring you hon," Rantaro chuckled as he sat up straight. "Good morning."

Shuichi pouted, narrowing his eyes at Rantaro before his lips broke into a smile. Sighing, the blue-haired man threw the blankets from his body. He would've stepped out of bed, but Rantaor seemed to have other ideas. "No you don't," the greenette chuckled as he pushed Shuichi onto his back.

The bluenette's brows furrowed, making his confusion unmistakable. Rantaro's smirk didn't help. He grabbed Shuichi's face, cradling it as Rantaro planted kiss after kiss over every inch of his face. Three on each cheek, four on his forehead, one between his eyebrows and one on the tip of his nose. It made Shuichi giggle uncontrollably as his hands ghosted over Rantaro's. Such a sap, yet it was one of the things Shuichi loved about the other. Rantaro knew how to make a man feel special.

"What's the special occasion?" Shuichi asked with a giggle. He couldn't think of a reason for Rantaro to be so cheesy and charming.

Rantaro placed a gap between the two, a confused frown matching Shuichi's. "Um, it's your birthday? Right? Did I get the date wrong?"

"No!" Shuichi gasped, not wanting to be the reason Rantaro felt upset or embarrassed. "I don't celebrate my birthday... You don't-"

"I'm doing it anyway." Rantaro cut off his boyfriend with a malicious grin. One only Ouma could match. "We have a big day ahead of us, Sai!" 

Witnessing the flickers of pure joy dancing behind Rantaro's eyes, Shuichi knew there was no wriggling out of this. "Fine."


Rantaro's warm fingers fiddled with his as the couple held hands. A floral scent filled the air as they walked through a public garden of rainbow flowers for as far as the eye could see. With the addition of the warm sun glowing against his pale skin, Shuichi couldn't believe this day could get any better.

He'd dreamed of visiting the gardens for years, always having a fascination with the place. However, he'd simply never had the time. On top of that, he never wanted to go alone, he knew he'd feel too lonely to admire the beauty of the flowers.

Shuichi felt his hand jerk, pulling him to a halt. He'd been so lost in admiring his surroundings that he hadn't realised Rantaro stopped walking. Rantaro bent down to a bush of vibrant-red roses. They were so red it seemed fake; almost as if they were straight out of a cartoon.

Rantaro picked one of the flowers, flicking away any thorns on the short stem. Unlinking their fingers, Rantaro turned to Shuichi and slipped the plant behind his ear. Shuichi would prefer to see how he looked. Judging from the look of awe in Rantaro's eyes, he assumed he looked beautiful. Even if he asked, that's the response he'd receive.

Shuichi felt his cheeks glow a hue that matched the rose as he smiled. Rantaro closed the gap between their lips, sparks flying around them as the two kissed. Being in such a romantic setting heightened the adoration between them. It was perfect.

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