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Ships In This Oneshot

Saioumota - Shuichi x Kokichi x Kaito

This is my first three-person smut, I'm sorry if it's not good. I've given it my best shot.


"Shumai! Get that ass of yours up here now!" The bluenette sighed into the phone as he heard someone screaming for him upstairs. He stared at the staircase leading up to the lone bedroom in the shared apartment.

"Sorry, I've got to go Kaito, Kokichi's calling for me."

"Alright bro, I'll be home soon. I'm done helping Maki-Roll with her move." On the other side of the phone, Shuichi knew Kaito was holding out a thumbs-up as he usually did. "Go help your boyfriend, he probably wants to prank you again." Before Shuichi could say goodbye to his best friend, Kaito hung up the call. His friendship with Maki is sweet, even if she's a bit aggressive. It's a little weird Kaito hasn't moved in with her when she moved closer to us. I would've thought you wouldn't want to live with your best friend and his boyfriend but oh well.

"Saihara Shuichi get your ass up here already!" Kokichi shouted again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Shuichi shouted in reply, leaving his phone on the table beside him and leaving the living room. Hurrying up the stairs, he found Kokichi in a peculiar situation. "What the fuck-" What he found was the top half of Kokichi's body trapped underneath their bunk bed, his bare legs sticking out. "How'd you manage to get stuck anywhere?"

"Don't fucking question it and help me goddammit! It's not my fault I'm tiny!" Kokichi's pout could be heard in his voice as he shouted at his boyfriend. Shuichi rolled his eyes and bent down next to Kokichi to attempt lifting the wooden frame. It wouldn't budge, frustrating the bluenette. "Hey Shumai, this is like a super shitty porno. You know, like the 'help me stepbrother, I'm stuck' cliche."

Shuichi let go of the bed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stood up. "You're not stuck, are you?"

"Awe! How rude!" Kokichi whined, crawling backwards and sitting on the ground, crossing his arms and legs with a pout. "I thought I could get away with it!" Shuichi rolled his eyes with a smirk as Kokichi stood up, wrapping his arms around his taller boyfriend's neck. Holding Kokichi's waist, Shuichi chuckled as the two shared a brief kiss. "Can we fuck?"

"Should we? Kaito will be home in a few minutes," Shuichi mumbled as he was led to the soft bunkbed.

"Is there a problem with that? We've been meaning to ask him to join us, right?~ In fact, I'm certain you were the one who proposed a threesome in the first place!~ How dirty, wanting to fuck your boyfriend and best friend,~" Kokichi teased, straddling Shuichi's waist.

"Well, alright then," Shuichi smiled, reaching up and taking off his boyfriend's hoodie to find nothing underneath other than a pair of hotpants. "You planned this, didn't you?" 

"Obviously!" Kokichi laughed, slipping off the rest of his clothes and stripping Shuichi. Within seconds the two lay on Kokichi's bed naked, limbs entangled as they lost themselves in a deep, passionate make-out session. "Just fuck me already! I've already prepped myself so hurry up!" Whining, Kokichi turned around, his back to the bluenette as he lowered himself on all fours.

"If you keep ordering me around I'll have to punish you,~" Shuichi chuckled, slapping Kokichi's bare ass. His smirk only grew as Kokichi groaned, pushing his body back towards the other male with desire. Shuichi's hands gripped Kokichi's hips, gradually sliding up his pale body towards his shoulders before the bluenette abruptly shoved his dick inside the smaller male.

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