🍋 My Amazing Boyfriend 💎

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Ships In This Oneshot

Goshi- Gokuhara Gonta x Hoshi Ryoma

Requested by: Someone on AO3

I've never really written from the perspectives of these characters so here we go! I'll do my best!
I have no idea for a plot so let's get right into it.
Also realistically, Ryoma would probably get seriously hurt from this so, WITH THE POWER OF FICTION, Ryoma's ass is immortal.


Ryoma's body was coated in sweat as he continued to bounce on Gonta's dick. His boyfriend mentioned wanting to try having sex again and here they were, with the small man riding the other. Gonta, being over six feet and built with more muscle than every bodybuilder combined, had the girth to match his physique. Honestly, it threw Ryoma off a little during their first time together. He loved how it felt though.

It made Ryoma feel a little embarrassed, to tell the truth. Being half the size of Gonta and certainly not as muscular, Ryoma felt a little inferior. Okay, a lot inferior. He didn't like himself much but Gonta loved him. That made things better. Gonta would spend hours reminding Ryoma that everything about him was amazing, it made him feel happy.

Ryoma held Gonta's chest, hands occasionally tensing as he continued to bounce. It wasn't a rapid past but certainly not slow. He would like to go faster but didn't have the energy, riding was difficult. Despite this, he managed.

It wasn't hard for Gonta's cock to reach deep into his ass, brushing past Ryoma's prostate with each thrust. He let out a moan, something he didn't often do. Bowing his head, Ryoma grunted as his hands pushed into Gonta's chest. "C-Close," he muttered.

With it not being the first time they'd had sex, Ryoma knew Gonta understood what he meant. It wasn't that Gonta was dumb - quite the opposite - he just had a bit of trouble with human interaction and speaking.

Ryoma groaned as he unravelled, cum spurting from his dick. He stopped moving, hovering so only Gonta's tip sat inside of him. Opening his eyes, he sighed. "Sorry for getting you messy again." It happened every time, and every time, Ryoma felt bad.

"It okay, Gonta not mind," Gonta smiled. Ryoma melted, he loved that smile with all of his heart. Gonta picked the male up and pulled him closer, the two locking lips in a loving kiss.

"Did you finish?" Ryoma asked as the kiss broke. The two always used condoms, and Ryoma wasn't too knowledgeable about sexual intimacy with another man. He didn't know what it felt like when Gonta ejaculated. Gonta shook his head, making the smaller brunette sigh. "Sorry." He'd done it again, finished before Gonta could. It made him a little upset that he didn't please his boyfriend.

"No apologise," Gonta gasped, hugging the other tightly to his chest. "It okay! Do you want to do again?" He asked in his broken speech, a bright smile covering his face. Ryoma nodded, wanting to make his boyfriend happy. "Gonta want to try something new. Is okay?"

"Yeah," Ryoma replied, trying to fight a smile of his own.

Before he could process the other's actions, Ryoma had been pinned to the bed by Gonta's large, strong hands. The other's dick pushed into Ryoma and wasted no time in thrusting hard and deep. Ryoma moaned, unable to cover his mouth and hide the noises. 

Each thrust bounced his body, the bed creaking underneath him. Gonta and Ryoma both grunted, with the latter releasing an occasional moan. Ryoma wrapped his small legs around the other's waist as Gonta pounded into him. He didn't expect this, not in the slightest. Where had Gonta learned how to be so rough? Who taught him to be so good at sex?

He couldn't keep thinking, each thrust turning Ryoma's brain into a puddle of pleasure. Gonta's pace was rapid, almost inhumane. "You okay?" Gonta asked. Ryoma opened his eyes to stare into Gonta's, concern dancing behind his scarlet orbs. The smaller nodded as Gonta continued his pace.

"Verbal answer important," Gonta grunted, his pace slowing slightly.

Ryoma frowned, confused at the statement. "Yes, I'm fine," he reassured the other. Gonta's face brightened as he pounded into the other's ass again. It was odd, Gonta had never told Ryoma he had to speak. Usually, the other would be fine with a nod or shake of the head, especially since he knew Ryoma didn't like being vocal during sex.

He threw his head back, hands clamping around Gonta's. Gonta shifted so the smaller man's hands were pinned above his head. Ryoma felt close to his release already, he'd never been so quick to cum a second time. As Gonta's cock twitched inside of him, the other's thrusts grew sloppy as they warned each other of their release.

Ryoma shouted as he came, presuming Gonta did at the same time due to his loud grunt and cease of thrusting. Not moving for a few seconds, Gonta released his boyfriend and helped clean him up. "Did Gonta do good?" He asked, wiping earlier cum from his abdomen.

"You always do," Ryoma replied. He hated being so soft and kind when he was on death row, but he couldn't resist. Gonta was worth it, even if Ryoma knew he'd die soon. "Where did you learn that?" His boyfriend didn't respond. Instead, his face grew a bright red as he slipped into bed and pulled the covers over the two. It was past the nighttime announcement so Ryoma knew the other would be going to sleep, he might as well rest too. After all, he was dead tired. "Gonta?"

"Um, Gonta talk... to Iruma..." he muttered. Ryoma hummed in acceptance of the answer, resting his head on the other's bare chest. Unable to focus on any thoughts popping into his head, Ryoma allowed his eyes to flutter closed as he fell asleep.


Ryoma entered the Ultimate Inventor's Research Lab. Despite no one having died during the killing game, Monokuma decided to open each research lab for a reason unknown to the contestants. He found the woman in question right where he'd thought she'd be.

"Huh? What the fuck do you want? Come to gaze at my amazing tits?" Iruma cackled, taking off her goggles to face the man. Black grease spots and dirt littered her body, presumably from an invention she'd been working on.

"Why were you talking to Gonta about sex?" Ryoma asked, his face holding a usual, blank stare. Gonta's explanation had been playing on him for an entire day, he had to know the answer. Why go to such a (supposedly) promiscuous woman?

Iruma laughed, her hands planted on her hips. "Is that why you disappeared for an entire day? No one knew where your tiny dick was yesterday! Gokuhara said you were sick but I bet he broke your back!"

Ryoma stayed quiet, his gaze hardening into a slight glare at the statement. Iruma wasn't the most pleasant to be around sometimes. "Wh-Why so serious? It was a joke," Iruma mumbled, face contorted in embarrassment. "The guy came to me, aight? He said something about wanting to know how to properly have sex and please a partner. I just gave him some pointers," she muttered, playing with her fingers.

"Alright." Ryoma nodded and turned to leave. As he walked through the courtyard, he looked at the domed sky with a large smile. Gonta wanted to make him happy and went to ask for pointers? He wasn't an expert, he just did his research.


I'm sorry Gonta.

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