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Ships In This Oneshot

Tsumaki - Shirogane Tsumugi x Harukawa Maki

Requested by: Someone on AO3


Shirogane sighed, watching the deep grey and white wall, all coated in grime. Overgrown grass coated the stone tiles. Some tiles were missing, revealing the flooring underneath which differed depending on the level. There was the odd wall of moss and overgrowth, creating a musty sort of smell when nearby.

The taps of her grey loafers filled the hallways with no other sounds accompanying as she travelled alone. Well, she knew she wasn't truly alone. Nanokumas were always watching.

Shirogane was bored. She had no idea what to do to pass the time, as no murders would take place soon. Tedious filler was taking place for the viewers to break up the despair and allow them to become more attached to certain characters. Humming to herself, the 'Ultimate Cosplayer' readjusted her glasses as she pondered her options.

Maybe she could spend her free time with someone? Her options had dwindled, but that only pleased the woman. Momota Kaito was an option. No, he's too annoying and she'd probably kill him. Ouma Kokichi? Hell no, never in a million years. Saihara Shuichi? Too risky, he's a detective after all. Harukawa Maki? Not a horrible idea.

The long, teal-haired woman had a problem with Harukawa. She'd developed a sickening crush on the Ultimate Assassin. It made her wonder, did Harukawa return her feelings? Shirogane had no way of knowing. Even though she was the mastermind behind the entire killing game, Shirogane couldn't figure out what others thought.

She'd decided. Spending time with Harukawa it was. Holding her chin in thought, Shirogane frowned and stared at the floor as she walked aimlessly around the second floor. Where Harukawa could be was a major obstacle in her plan. It couldn't hurt to check the Ultimate Assassin's Research Lab. After all, she'd designed it specifically for Harukawa to enjoy.

Making her way up a flight of stairs, Shirogane made a beeline for her destination. Reaching the door, she knocked three times before gently swinging it open. Hmm, nothing. Harukawa was nowhere in sight. Not a complete surprise considering the academy had four floors available plus the courtyard and whatever buildings were there.

Listening to the door click shut behind her, Shirogane continued walking through the academy. There was another obvious place to check. Harukawa's dorm room. Unfortunately for Shirogane's legs, the dorms were outside of the main building which meant descending three flights of stairs. Oh well, it would be worth it. Hopefully.

As she walked in silence, the woman reached into the pocket of her knee-length, teal-black pleated skirt held up by matching suspenders. She pulled out a pack of cards, slightly heavy in her palm. Turning it over repeatedly, she analysed the blank white box to occupy her thoughts.

Wanting to keep something to break the monotony of the day, Shirogane pocketed the cards. They'd belonged to Ouma, but he didn't know she had them. Well, he hadn't come threatening her to give them back. That was a bonus. She'd give them back when she felt like it... if she remembered in the future.

Reaching the main entrance of the school building, Shirogane stepped out and took a deep breath of fresh air. Well, as fresh as the air could be when there was a ginormous, impenetrable glass dome encapsulating them. They would all die before the oxygen level depleted too far though, it wasn't a worry. It surprised Shirogane that no one had mentioned it yet during their mealtime conversations.

Following the beige and red brick pathway, Shirogane entered the main foyer of the dorms, sixteen rooms branching from the space. There were two floors with eight dorms each, surrounding the woman in a circle. Blue and white striped walls surrounded the woman, making the room feel smaller than it was.

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