🍋 Sweet Prince 💎

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Ships In This Oneshot

Amasai - Amami Rantaro x Saihara Shuichi
Irumatsu - Iruma Miu x Akamatsu Kaede

Requested by: Someone on AO3

Four smuts in a row? No. You're seeing things. Knowing ya'll this is gonna turn into a pure smut book now.

Trans Shuichi and Kaede AU. Afab terms will NOT be used. Awkward as fuck incoming.


"Stop laughing at me!" Shuichi begged. "This is serious!"

"Agreed." Akamatsu puffed out her cheeks. She turned to Iruma and smacked the back of her head. It didn't sound like it hurt, hell she barely made contact with the strawberry blonde's hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Iruma panted as she attempted to catch her breath. She and Shuichi stared at each other for a few moments before she began cackling again, holding her stomach. "I can't believe Shyhara is really a virgin!"

Shuichi sighed and grabbed the grey brim of his black cap, tugging it to hide his eyes. "Tell the whole world, why don't you?" He muttered under his breath.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Saihara!" Akamatsu grinned as she pulled her friend into a big hug that he returned. "What exactly were you asking again? Iruma might've distracted me a bit."

Shuichi's eyes widened as he stared at the ground, fiddling with his fingers. He really didn't want to repeat himself. "W-Well, y-you know how you're..." 

"Trans? It's okay, I don't mind if you say it." Akamatsu smiled. Why is she always so nice?

"Okay... H-How do you two... uh... do it?"

Iruma began laughing again. Shuichi wasn't aware she stopped. He didn't mind, he wanted to tune her out and ignore her mocking. "Ignore her," Akamatsu sighed. "We do it in the normal way, I guess. Do whatever makes you two happy, provided it's consensual!" Her smile radiated optimistic energy that made Shuichi fight a smile in return.

"Of course it would be!" Shuichi gasped.

"I'm just saying!" Akamatsu laughed, holding her hands up in surrender.

"B-But what if he wants to... you know... Do it like a, uh, straight couple?" Shuichi muttered, returning his gaze to his feet.

"Vaginal sex?" 

"Y-Yeah..." How Akamatsu was so casual about this topic was beyond Shuichi.

"Saihara, don't be embarrassed about talking about it. I'm dating Miu, you can't embarrass me about this stuff. Not anymore. You name it, she's probably asked me to do it." They ignored Iruma's shouts of denial. 

"O-Oh, okay." That would make sense. Iruma had always been an overly sexual person. On the outside. Shuichi didn't know what she got up to in her private life, and frankly, he didn't want to.

"To answer your question: are you comfortable with it?" Akamatsu asked. She behaved like that one mum friend that acted as the therapist of the group. That's exactly what she was. Shuichi hummed, rocking on his heels before raising his head. Was he okay with it? It'd make sense to do it that way, but would he truly like it? He shook his head.

"Tell him that then. Knowing Rantaro, he'll respect it. I know the last thing he'd want is to hurt you."

"B-But..." Shuichi sighed. Why was this topic so hard for him to talk about? Is there a reason it's taboo? He shouldn't care about what others thought, but he didn't want anyone to judge him. "How else can we... do it?"

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