❓ Amami's Problem ❓

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Ships In This Oneshot

No ships in this oneshot.

~ Warning ~ Violence.

This chapter might also be a misophonia/panic attack warning. I'm not sure if that's what this is. Anyway, I recently had a meltdown like this and needed to vent somehow, hence the new category since I don't know what category this would be otherwise.


Amami's heart raced as Akamatsu dragged him through the halls. He didn't want to go to dinner with everyone, he didn't know if he could handle it. Even at home, with twelve sisters, his dad and his third stepmother, Amami would only eat in his room and refused to be near the dining room near meal time.

"We want to talk to you, Amami! You're shutting yourself away and that's not good!" Akamatsu argued, continuing to drag Amami towards the dining hall.

"Ah! Amami! Akamatsu!" The green-haired hostage glanced up to see his other friend, Saihara, waving at the two as he hurried toward them.

"I got the goods, Saihara," Akamatsu giggled. Amami cringed a little and sighed.

"Oh, uh, Akamatsu, I didn't think you'd actually... do it..." Saihara mumbled, tipping the brim of his grey baseball cap down to obstruct his eyes.

Amami frowned, turning to Akamatsu. She giggled in response. "If you keep disappearing during this killing game, everyone's going to think you're trying to kill someone! Now, you have to eat with us and we can all be friends!"

"I appreciate the sentiment Akamatsu, I really do, but this isn't something I'm comfortable doing," Amami explained.

"No! This isn't negotiable!" Akamatsu pouted. Amami hated to see someone hurt by his words or actions, but he refused to compromise.

"If Amami isn't comfortable then we can't force him!" Saihara argued. He turned to the man with the secret ultimate, a comforting smile tugging at his lips. "As long as you're eating, then that's okay."

"Come on! He won't know until he tries!" Akamatsu argued. Amami opened his mouth to speak but yelped as the pianist dragged him down the hall. He tried to fight, but her grip was surprisingly as strong as iron.

Now, Amami sat beside Akamatsu whilst trying to eat his food. He did what he could to ignore any other sounds in the room, and luckily it was going well. No one happened to be eating loudly, it was just subtle enough for Amami to remain calm.

Until Tojo spoke.

"Ouma, may I request that you keep your keep off the table?" The maid asked. Amami glanced to his right to see Ouma's chair pushed back, ankles crossed on the table with his food in his lap.

"Awe! Is Mum trying to tell me to mind my manners?!" Ouma gasped with a sly smirk. "I'm touched!"

"It's gross, Ouma," Shirogane added. "That's plain to see."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Ouma whined. He shoved more food into his mouth and Amami looked away, hoping that would be the end of the argument.

Ouma began smacking his lips obnoxiously, making a show of eating with his mouth open. "Nom nom!" He giggled, continuing the deplorable spectacle.

Amami's shoulders tensed. Being directly beside him, Ouma was all that the greenette could hear. People pleaded for Ouma to stop, only making him grow louder. Clenching his fist, Amami released a long breath to try and quench the anger bubbling in his stomach.

Asking Ouma to stop would get him nowhere so he had no other choice but to leave. Now. Pushing his chair back, Akamatsu's hand whipped out and grabbed Amami's wrist. "Don't leave, not yet, please? You're doing so well!"

Gazing into her pleading eyes, Amami bowed his head and sighed. He couldn't hurt her, but if he stayed then there was no telling what he'd do. Amami hated when he wasn't in control and it'd only happened once that he could remember. After almost stabbing one of his younger sisters, Amami realised he had a problem and refused to be in a situation where that would happen again.

Nodding at Akamatsu, Amami watched her eyes light up as she faintly clapped. Sighing, Amami turned back to his food. He no longer had an appetite, not with the noises Ouma created.

Each detestable sound felt like needles stabbing into Amami's ears. Anger bubbled away in the depths of his soul. Everyone gave up on pleading for Ouma to stop his annoying antics, knowing he wouldn't.

"Woah, Amami's getting a little glare-y there!" Ouma gasped, swinging his feet off the table to shuffle closer to the greenette. "Are you the Ultimate Gentleman or something?!"

"You're being annoying," Amami muttered. He glared at the table as Ouma groaned and continued eating. Despite eating with his mouth closed now, Amami could still hear the faint sounds of chewing. Irritation began bubbling into anger, which began further evolving into a rage.

Amami wanted to grab Ouma's head and rip the skin from his skull, shattering his skull and ripping his jaw from its sockets. The man's hands trembled, clenching briefly hard enough to leave bright red crescents in his palms. He turned to face Ouma who returned the glare.

The man's brain urged him to grab the knife on the table and shove it into Ouma's mouth. An image of blood pouring from Ouma's mouth as Amami continued to stab him flashed past his mind. Right now, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

Ouma giggled. "You're getting more mad at me, aren't you? Wouldn't you love to rip my head off and tear out my organs?"

"I'm not opposed to the idea," Amami growled. The sliver of sanity he held onto screamed for control, to apologise to Ouma after seeing the flash of terror across violet eyes.

"That's a bit suspicious Amami!" Ouma grinned. "Could it be..." Trailing off, the man grabbed more food from his plate, shoving it into his mouth and pointing his fork at the greenette. "That you're the mastermind behind this killing game?"

That made him snap. Ouma's words didn't matter, but the one last sound of lips smacking made Amami lose what little sanity he held onto. He leapt towards Ouma, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing as tight as he could.

Ouma dropped everything he was holding, hands trying to pry Amami away. The gurgling noises from his throat only fuelled the fire in Amami's stomach. He couldn't take anymore.

A hand grabbed his shoulder, yanking the man backward and releasing Ouma. The purplette coughed violently, his hand clutching his throat as he gulped as much air as possible. "Amami! What the hell are you doing?!" Akamatsu shouted.

He gasped, eyes widening as he returned to reality. "O-Ouma! I'm so sorry!" Amami's hands trembled, tears welling up in his eyes as he repeated apology after apology.

"Amami, let's get some air, okay?" He glanced to Saihara who knelt beside him, smiling. The man shakily nodded, taking Saihara's outstretched hand.

The two left the dining hall hand-in-hand. "I could've killed him... Oh my God..." Amami swore it'd never happen again, yet here he was.

"What happened to make you that mad?" Saihara asked. He gasped suddenly, waving his hands around in a panic. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry!"

"It's fine," Amami sighed. He couldn't help but smile at Saihara's behaviour, reaching out to pat the man's cap. "I can't handle the sound of eating... or any mouth noises for that matter. They make me... mad... to say the least..."

"Ah, I understand," Saihara nodded. "Well, not personally, but I understand that we all have things we can't handle or control."

"Thanks, Saihara..." Amami mumbled. He glanced behind him at the main building of the academy. "I'm going to my dorm... Please make sure Ouma's okay. I can't be more sorry about what I did..."

"I'll tell him that. Take care Amami." With a nod, the two parted ways. Amami's stomach sunk. If no one was there to stop him... No, he didn't want to think about it. He just needed to get into his bed, curl up and cry. Never to be seen again.

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