🎀 Pregame Meets Ingame {Pt 4} [Kaede] 🎀

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saimatsu - Shuichi x Kaede (Platonic)
Tenmiko - Tenko x Himiko


~ Day 1 ~

Rattling encased the room as a chain erupted from thin air, wrapping around Kaede and hauling her towards the stage, encasing her in the last bright light of the motive. Surely her double won't be worst than mine, right? Shuichi thought to himself whilst shielding his eyes.

As expected, Akamatsu appeared out of nowhere. Immediately, Shuichi wished he could take back his thoughts as he noticed Akamatsu's eyes surveying the group with pure malice. "Why are you all so weird? Those outfits look disgusting."

"Good luck with this one!~" Monokuma cackled before disappearing. 

"Was that Monokuma? Wait, is this Dan-" Akamatsu had no time to finish her questions before a barrage of coughs erupted from her chest.

"Ah, when you talk about this killing game, you'll start coughing a lot. You can't give us hints as to the real story behind it." Kirumi explained, making her way over to the dying child to rub her back.

Once the coughing subsided, Akamatsu straightened up and glared at Kirumi. Nothing happened for multiple seconds before the newbie threw a rock-solid punch into Kirumi's gut, forcing the maid to fall aback and curl into a ball. "What's the big idea?!" Kaito shouted, most of the entire group rushing forward to Kirumi's aid.

"How could you do something like that Akamatsu?!" Kaede shouted, despair creeping through her throat.

"Ew, you care about them?" Akamatsu sighed, digging her hands into her hips. "I guess you turned into an absolute bitch. What's your ultimate?"

"Ultimate Pianist. Why?"

"Oh God, it's worse than I thought." Akamatsu bellowed in laughter. "Pianos are, like, the worst instrument to exist! If only you had a shred of common sense and played the drums or something cool." Everyone stared at Akamatsu in shock, unable to process the extremely diverse pair. "You're too nice, don't expect to get far in life with that attitude you bimbo." Her last words spat into the air before the rude, pessimistic girl turned on her heel and marched away.

~ Day 2 ~

The air thickened around the dining room as the doors opened to reveal Akamatsu. She repeatable hit the baseball bat she was holding in her palm whilst glaring around the room, a sick, sadistic grin spreading through her cheeks. "Alright then. Which one of you is ready to die? You aren't getting away with the pacifist route!" Her shouts pierced the ears of her potential victims. "I'm not letting you all go back on the promise we made together!"

"You won't hurt anyone!" Tenko charged the other female, unaware of the wooden stick coming her way. With a crunch, the Neo Aikido Master lay in a crumpled heap on the ground.

"Tenko!" Himiko screamed, running forward to cradle the other woman in her arms. Kirumi rushed forward, pulling the two girls from harm's way and checking Tenko's health. 

Akamatsu laughed, swinging her bat around in her hand. "You lot are weaker than I remember, this is going to be so much fun." Before her monologue ended, Maki had snuck behind the enemy and wrapped her elbow around her neck. Using her other hand, the assassin twisted Akamatsu's wrist, causing her to drop the weapon and scream out in pain. With one swift motion, Maki pressed her knee into Akamatsu's back and had her on the ground.

"Grab a rope of some sort." She ordered anyone who would listen.

"I have some here." Korekiyo pulled a thin, red rope from his pocket, handing it to Maki who immediately used it to tie Akamatsu's wrists together. Taking out her victim's shoelaces, Maki used them to tie her ankles together before crawling off her back.

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