🎀 Pregame Meets Ingame {Pt 2} [Kokichi] 🎀

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saiouma - Shuichi x Kokichi (One-sided)
Oumaki - Kokichi x Maki (One-sided, platonic)


~ Day 1 ~

"Since you're so excited Kokichi, I think I'll use you next!" Monokuma cheered.

"Oh fuck yeah! Two me's will be so fun!" Kokichi matched the robot bear's cheer as he skipped upstage. I wonder if Kokichi's double will cling to Maki a lot, considering Harukawa mentioned they were best friends. That doesn't make much sense though, since Maki and Kokichi should've recognised each other when we got here. What if our memories are fake? Shuichi couldn't wrap his head around his thoughts before being blinded by the same bright light that presented itself during Harukawa's appearance.

Just as expected, when the light subsided, a second Kokichi has appeared. "H-hello!" Ouma glanced around the room, seeming more jittery and paranoid than Kokichi.

"Ooh, this is so cool! Hello Me!" Kokichi jumped around his identical twin who seemed uncomfortable with the loud noises and sudden movements.

"U-Uhm... what's going on?" 

"You're Ouma, and I'm Kokichi. We're in a killing game! Just so you know, I'm the cooler version." Kokichi investigated his nails, somehow excitedly bored.

"O-oh. That means... Shuichi!" Ouma trailed off, his eyes brightening a hundred shades as they landed on the bluenette. Without warning, the new boy raced towards Shuichi, tripping along the way as he barreled into the detective. 

"Um, hi." This is kind of awkward... Oh no everyone's staring. Please look away. "Is... something wrong Ouma?" The tiny boy raised his face to see Shuichi's, his purple and yellow eyes glinting with confusion.

"Well then, worse me, allow your better half to explain." Kokichi's grin unsettled Shuichi. "We're in a killing game. Everyone here is probably going to die. Monokuma is annoyed no one's dead yet so he brought another version of me out to encourage someone to murder."

Terror flickered behind Ouma's eyes as he still wrapped his arms around Shuichi's small waist. "O-okay. At least Shuichi and Maki are here!" Ouma smiled at Maki, only for her to roll her eyes. "Shuichi, can you show me around the academy?" Why is he so attached to me?

"We can join you so you two aren't alone." Rantaro offered, stepping forward with Kirumi. Shuichi glanced at Ouma to see him staring up at the taller boy with a silent beg to turn down Rantaro's offer.

"Um, that's okay, we'll be fine. It might overwhelm Ouma if too many people are around. Thank you though." Shuichi lied through his teeth as he led Ouma outside the gymnasium, the smaller boy shifting from hugging the detective to gripping his soft hands.

~ Day 2 ~

Shuichi finished his breakfast before jumping from shock as Ouma ran into the room and rushed to sit a little too close to him. "Hi Shuichi!"

"Hey Oum-"

"Don't sit so close to him, you're making Shuichi uncomfortable." Kaito interrupted their conversation, one of the many peers wary of Ouma's behaviour. "If you're anything like Kokichi, then we don't need you here."

"O-oh, s-sorry," Ouma mumbled, attempting to shift away before Shuichi stopped him, grabbing his shoulder.

"Stay Ouma, I don't mind. Kaito, please be nicer to him, he hasn't given us any reason to distrust him yet." Shuichi smiled at the adoring gleam radiating from Ouma. "Plus, why don't we take advantage of the situation and see if Ouma can help us understand this killing game?"

"I'd be glad to help! What did my Ultimate end up being by the way?" Hmm, weird, he and Harukawa seem to have chosen an ultimate talent. I wonder what that could mean.

"Ultimate Supreme Leader, pretty cool right?!" Kokichi shouted, his eyes glimmering with childish self-adoration.

"Yay! That's what I wanted!" Ouma seemed genuinely proud of himself. "What about your friends? Do we all get along?"

"Hah, with that abortion?!" Miu cackled, "He doesn't have friends!" Ouma mumbled, looking down at his lap in shame.

"Did you sign up for this killing game?" Maki spoke up for the first time in a while, rarely communicating the entire month or so she'd been around in the killing game.

"Of course! We a-" Ouma clutched his chest, coughing up a storm as Shuichi patted his back. "I-I'm sorry I don't know what came over me."

"It's not your fault. You can't give us hints about the game without coughing like that. The more you try and tell us, the worse the coughing will get, so don't be afraid to not answer us." Shuichi informed his new friend.

"Okay. I think I can say this though, I'm in this killing game because Shuichi wanted me to be! I'd do anything to make Shuichi happy!" What? Did Kokichi and I know each other before this killing game? Maybe we were childhood friends and Kokichi didn't want to lose me over the game?

~ Day 3 ~

"Hey Ouma," Shuichi turned to the boy drawing in a notepad. The two had decided to hang out in the grass for a sense of fresh air, which they were given if they ignored the large dome containing the academy in a capsule. "Why are you so attached to me? Not that I don't like it, I don't mind, I'm just confused."

"Don't get mad, but, we were in a relationship." Ouma giggled, happily drawing away as he talked through his subconscious. "I guess I'm just holding onto that for comfort, even though I know you aren't the same Shuichi as you were."

"What was I like?" Shuichi asked out of familiarity before realising his mistake. "Wait no you don't have to answer that, you might start coughing again."

"I don't know if I don't try." Ouma sighed, abandoning his sketch to try another one on the next page. "You could be kind of violent sometimes, but only when people were threatening someone you loved, like me. If you liked something or someone, you obsessed over it forever." He glanced towards Shuichi, concern shadowing his face. "I- Well, Kokichi, mentioned I'm a motive, right?"

"Yeah, four people's true personality is revealed. So far, you and Maki have been targeted and we don't know the next two."

"If one of them is you, I'd be concerned for everyone. I don't want anyone to die, even if- No I can't say that. I'm so sorry Shuichi." Ouma returned to his sketch and Shuichi swore he noticed a single tear drip onto the notepad. "Your past personality might kill someone. Actually, that's wrong, they will definitely kill someone, and that someone might be Kokichi."

"Why would I kill Kokichi?" There's no way I'd ever be a killer, Ouma has to be lying, right? No, there's no malice behind his voice...

"You'll be overwhelmed and happy to be here. Have you ever heard about how when some people see something really cute and want to squish it?" Shuichi nodded. "It's the same for you. When you get here, the happiness of being... here..." Ouma stopped himself from revealing something that would've hurt before continuing. "It'll be so overwhelming that you'll want to hurt Kokichi, since seeing him will be happy and overwhelming on its own. That emotion is dangerous when heightened for you, I honestly don't understand it much but I'm willing to learn!"

I'm... going to kill Kokichi?

~ Day 5 ~

The gymnasium felt used yet again in the month or two the killing game participants had lived in the academy. Both Kokichi and Ouma stood on stage, preparing to be merged. "Shame Ouma has to leave, I liked that little shit more than the bitch." Miu groaned on and on about the 'better Kokichi' leaving them.

"That's mean Miu, we all liked both of them!" Kaede shouted, smiling at both the purplettes. Before anyone could reply, Monokuma laughed whilst a bright light enveloped everyone. It didn't hurt their eyes at this point, as they all prepared themselves. 

Without any shock, Ouma had disappeared after the light waned. Monokuma's giggle continued as he prepared for stage three of his motive. "Alright you lot, next one up is...!"

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