🎀 We Share More than a Dorm {Pt 1} 🎀

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Ships In This Oneshot

No ships here.

~ Warning ~ Self-deprecation and self-harm.


"Just shut up Saihara! You're pissing me the fuck off!" Kokichi shouted at his roommate, standing in the bathroom doorway. He despised the roommate situation, but they had no choice since the Monokubz had blown up half of the dorm rooms. Ever since that moment, Kokichi no longer had the privacy he longed for so much. Usually, he could just let out the day's emotions the moment he shut his dorm's door, but not anymore. Things were starting to build up inside of the small male's head.

In the current moment, all that mattered to Kokichi was screaming at Saihara, who stared at him with curiosity and wonder. The Ultimate Detective had caught the Ultimate Supreme Leader with his coloured contact out, revealing Kokichi's heterochromia that he'd attempted to hide the entire killing game. "I just said you should go without the contact from now on, you look great with the purple and yellow!" Saihara retorted.

"Just so everyone can remind me of how much a monster I am!?" Kokichi continued screaming, his emotions taking control as his voice shouted with desperation. Tears threatened to drip from his false purple eyes as he continued to fight, believing no one could think his appearance looked anything other than horrendous. "For me being disgusting and a mutant fucking freak?! Spare me the fucking lecture!" Having replaced the purple contact in his left eye, Kokichi stormed out of the room, making sure to slam the door as hard as his small stature could.

"Ouma, are you okay-" Kokichi turned and glared at the owner of the voice, a blonde pianist blinking at him in shock.

"Shut the fuck up," he seethed, shoving Akamatsu out of the way as he left the dorm building towards the massive academy. Who the fuck do I think I am, hurting everyone like this? Saihara's only being nice, but he thinks I'm a freak, no one ever compliments my eye. God fucking dammit, why'd I leave the dorm in this state?! Someone might see me!

"Alright students, I know it's almost nighttime, but get your sorry asses to the gym for a special surprise!" Monokuma's shrill voice sang through the announcement system. Shit, now? Out of all times, it has to be now?! Get yourself together Kokichi, it's just like you taught yourself, put on your mastermind mask. Having already entered the academy building, Kokichi didn't have far to travel towards the gym, finding only a few other contestants inside as he entered.

"Hey, Ouma, what's wrong-" Not giving Akamatsu or Saihara the time to speak as they approached the short, white-uniformed boy, Kokichi turned on his heel and walked to the other side of the gym, alone.

"Shut the fuck up kids, I have important news! I'm introducing a special, brand-new, motive!" Monokuma cheered, punching the air with his black and white paws. What the fuck? I don't want to deal with a new motive, I don't want to watch everyone suffer. Shut it Kokichi, it doesn't matter what you want.

"Oh hell yeah! This game was getting way too boring! Thank you Monokuma!" Kokichi cheered, his fists clutching the air in front of his chin as his eyes sparkled with childish entertainment. "What's the motive?!"

"I'm not telling!~ You'll have to figure that one out on your own!" Monokuma cackled, spinning around and disappearing from view.

"Awe, how boring, this is no fun!" Kokichi whined, staring at his curled palm to ignore the glares from his fellow contestants. Without warning, Momota slammed a fist into the small male's shoulder, causing him to trip backwards and fall to the ground with a thud. Taking a deep breath, Kokichi let out an exaggerated wail of crocodile tears. "How mean Momota! That hurt!" For the first time in forever, I'm not lying, the man can punch.

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