🍋 The One that Taught Me Love 💎

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Ships In This Oneshot

[Pregame] Amaguji- Amami Rantaro x Shinguji Korekiyo
[Pregame] Oumatsu- Ouma Kokichi x Akamatsu Kaede

Requested by: Someone on AO3

No Sister Shinguji hours.


Snarling at the weak, small, purple-haired boy in front of him, Rantaro laughed. Yelping, Ouma spun and ran away as fast as his small body could allow. It was hilarious to watch. Such a small boy running for his life. Rantaro loved it.

Having no more source of entertainment for the lunch break, Rantaro continued walking through the academy hallways. Students parted for him as he approached, cowering in fear. He loved their terrified faces.

Rubbing his knuckles, Rantaro frowned at the red marks on his skin. He'd punched Ouma in the shoulder and since the boy was nothing but skin and bone, it hurt a little. Ouma annoyed him so Rantaro didn't care. As far as he was aware, the other had it coming. It wasn't like he liked humans anyway.

Rantaro wanted nothing more than to beat up every annoying person in his vicinity. He found everyone annoying. Humans in general, there was nothing he despised more. They were always so annoying, it took too much effort to handle when every person had a different personality. Not even family was safe from the green-haired, human hater's wrath. Boring and emotional, he hated how those traits matched every person he met. Except one.

Entering the library, the male found his target sitting in the corner where he always did. Shinguji Korekiyo... The only person he'd ever been able to tolerate. A quiet person, Korekiyo never bothered anyone and preferred his own company. He didn't get emotional over stupid shit, Rantaro found it refreshing. Korekiyo was the only person who'd treated Rantaro like a human being.

Pulling up a chair and plopping down beside the deep-green-haired man, Rantaro sighed overdramatically. "Ah, hello Rantaro," Korekiyo nodded, placing his pen on the table. The other was the only one who could use his first name, and Rantaro was the only person who could use Korekiyo's first name. A match made in heaven.

"Hey dumbass," Rantaro huffed. Korekiyo's eyes widened slightly as he looked back down at the papers in front of him. Rantaro insulted everyone but Korekiyo would act oddly when he was the victim. Having always kept his composure in any circumstance, Rantaro found it strange. The only time he noticed Korekiyo's calm and collected demeanour falter was when Rantaro insulted him, but only when he did it. If someone else insulted him, he didn't react.

"I would like to ask something," Korekiyo sighed.

"If it's emotional bullshit then I'm cutting off your hair," Rantaro threatened.

"You would never," the other deadpanned. He wasn't even caught off guard, although he had been quite upset the first time Rantaro made the threat. Korekiyo's hip-length, silky hair meant more to him than anything, Rantaro had been told. Revealing the secret to the other, Korekiyo had mentioned he refused to cut it since his family passed away in a freak car accident. Being an only child and losing his parents deeply affected the man.

Rantaro was the only one who knew this secret, that fact alone made him happy. Korekiyo had cried for months when it happened. Seeing the man crying on the roof all that time made Rantaro pissed so he chose to target him. What Rantaro didn't expect was to form a friendship with the guy.

"Do you have any plans after lessons are done?" Korekiyo asked.

"Nope, nothing at all."

"Would you perhaps like to come to my home?" The two locked eyes. Rantaro loved the other's golden hue.

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