🌪️ I Love You, You Idiot! 🌪️

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Ships In This Oneshot

Irumatsu - Kaede x Miu
Iruouma - Miu x Kokichi
Nursery Rhymes - Kaede x Maki (Platonic+Implied)


"I don't know what to do, what if I forget everything and look like an absolute idiot?!" Kaede Akamatsu paced back and forth in her room as Maki Harukawa simply stared at her amidst her panic.

"You're overthinking." 

"You don't get it, Maki! What if she rejects me and never wants to talk to me again?!"

"This is Miu we're talking about, she'd never do that." Maki stood from her spot on the bed and grabbed Kaede by the shoulders. "Listen, how about you practice on me one more time, maybe that'll help calm your nerves."

"Okay, that sounds good." Kaede took a long, deep breath and stared deep into Maki's eyes. "I-" Her words caught in his throat, nerves getting the better of her.

"Kai, I know it's hard, but you're going to do great."

"If you say so. Thanks for helping me Maki" The two shared a quick hug. "Okay, so... practice time." Maki nodded, ready to help. "Miu... We've been best friends since we were little kids, and I'm really glad you've stuck around for this long. You mean more than anything to me and I... I love you! More than just friends." Kaede shook her head, trying to rid herself of the mounting anxiety. "If you want to just be friends, that's okay but... I want to be... more..."

"That was alright." Maki shot the other girl an extremely rare smile.

"Alright doesn't mean perfect. It has to be perfect," Kaede mumbled.

"If it's perfect then it'll seem forced."

"Well, I guess you do know what you're talking about Miss Assassin." 

Maki rolled her eyes, attempting to hide her slight smile. "Go get your girl."

Kaede laughed whilst perfecting the small bouquet she'd collected earlier. It was a bunch of Miu's favourite flowers that grew in a small garden down the street, Kaede was extremely proud that she'd made the bouquet on her own. "Thanks for your help Maki, I couldn't ask for a more amazing best friend." The two smiled at each other again.

"Stop stalling and kiss Miu. Go on now." Maki shoved Kaede out of the bedroom door.

"Fine fine I'm going!" Gripping the bouquet tight behind her back, Kaede marched towards the meeting place where she asked Miu to meet her earlier. She'd found the perfect spot for her confession, a fountain in a large courtyard, surrounded by the dorms of each student attending their college. The fountain had been nicknamed the fountain of love by the students due to the Crape myrtle trees surrounding only the fountain.

Kaede took one last deep breath as she approached her strawberry blonde crush sitting on the edge of the fountain... talking to someone? Kokichi Ouma sat beside Miu, laughing and chatting with her. I told her to come alone... Screw it, I'm probably assuming the wrong thing again, there's no way they're dating. Miu would've told me. As soon as her thoughts ended, Kokichi leant forward and planted a loving kiss on Miu's lips.


Miu turned to Kaede and smiled, waving eagerly. "Kaede! What's up?!" Fuelled by self-loathing and disappointment, Kaede stormed up towards the two enjoying each others company.

"What are you doing with him?" The last word came out of her mouth more vile than intended. Miu and Kokichi shared ecstatic glances as Kokichi nodded, the two seemed to be speaking telepathically.

"Well, you see, Kokichi just asked me out." Miu grinned, pleased in herself. "I might've liked him for a while but I didn't want to say anything to anyone, so that's why I didn't tell you." Kaede's long silence concerned the two before her, who shared a glance of worry. "Are... you alright?"

"I'll go, you two seem like you need some time alone..." Kokichi mumbled, hurrying inside the large dormitory. Kaede stared after the boy growing smaller as he walked away, holding back tears.

Kaede always attempted to have a positive outlook on life, wanting to do her best to make everyone around her happy. This moment didn't apply to her usual rules though, as all ability to control her emotions ran away with Kokichi. She felt hurt, betrayed even considering the countless amount of hints Kaede had been dropping to Miu about her feelings.

"Do you have flowers?" The girl completely forgot about hiding the bouquet behind her back, only just realising the petals were peeking out from her side. "What are they for..." Miu trailed off as she made her conclusion. "Wait, did you want to meet me here to confess-"

"It doesn't matter now." Kaede snapped, cutting off her past crush. "Yes, I brought you here because I love you Miu Iruma. The note, the flowers, the constant sleepovers, I thought you would've figured it out by now! I've loved you for one and a half years, I even told you I loved you before but you blew it off as a joke so I never took it further." Miu looked like a deer in headlights as Kaede ranted, her usual optimistic personality taking a full one-eighty.

Whipping the large bouquet from behind her back, Kaede shoved them into Miu's chest with a harsh push. "Take them. I don't need them anymore." 

"Kaede wait-" She didn't. Leaving Miu behind, the girl hurried back towards Maki's room where her best friend awaited her return. As soon as she'd disappeared from the other's view, Kaede broke into a sprint as her tears finally broke free, trailing behind her as she persevered. She soon reached her destination, knocking frantically on the door before Miu could catch up to her.

Maki ripped open the door, about to reprimand whoever dared approach her room. Coming face to face with Kaede's pitiful, tear-stained face, Maki grabbed her wrist and yanked her inside, slamming and locking the door behind her. "What did Miu do? I'll kill her."

"Nothing... Oh my God." Kaede came to a sudden realisation that made her want to run back towards Miu, drop to her knees and beg for forgiveness. "I yelled at her... I said some rude things... How could I?"

"What did you do?" Maki replicated her last words as she threw a tissue box towards the pianist.

"Miu and Kokichi are dating. Kokichi just asked her out and she said she's liked him for a while."

"You two are best friends, surely you knew that?" Maki's eyes narrowed.

"She never told me. Something about not wanting anyone to know."

"I'm going to murder her." 

"Maki no. She isn't in the wrong, I just overreacted," Kaede sighed. "I've ruined the friendship. There's no way I can fix this."

"That's not true. You haven't done anything wrong Kae." Maki wrapped her arms around the girl, resting her head on her shoulder as she cried. "You deserved better anyway." Kaede giggled drowning out Maki's last mumble: "Like me."

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