🍋 Frills and Skills 🍋

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Ships In This Oneshot

Oumami - Rantaro x Kokichi

(Should I put what's included in the smut chapters (like kinks) here in the future?)


Kokichi shifted his grip on the bag full of supplies he needed for work, entering the Amami mansion where he worked as the personal maid for the only son. He never liked being a maid, but this new client changed his mind in an instant. Amami Rantaro was the only son amongst thirteen children, he also happened to be the same age as Kokichi, both in their late twenties. Although Kokichi couldn't understand his reasoning for still living with his parents, the maid never questioned his clients.

Travelling through the pristine home, Kokichi only noticed one other maid in the area. Normally at least five children were running around and screaming, so the echoing of his black heels seemed odd to the male. Pausing in front of Amami's bedroom door, Kokichi fixed the frills on his black and white uniform before knocking, waiting a few moments before he entered. "Good afternoon Master Amami, apologies for being late."

"It's fine Ouma, don't worry about it," Amami smiled. "By the way, everyone is out on a trip, if you're wondering where they are."

"Thank you for telling me. Ah, Master Amami, you shouldn't be in bed, it's three in the afternoon," Kokichi gasped. Placing down his supplies underneath a desk, Kokichi hurried to the man's side.

"I'm not feeling the best," Amami sighed, rolling onto his back.

"Would you allow me to check for a fever?" Kokichi asked, folding his hands in front of him as he awaited a response. Amami nodded, a smile creeping across his cheeks. Now that he had permission, Kokichi held the back of his hand to Amami's forehead, finding nothing out of the ordinary. "I shall make a meal for you if you'd prefer," the purple-haired maid smiled, bowing slightly to his client.

"No need, thank you though Ouma," Amami smiled, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. Glancing around the room for a way to help, Kokichi approached the window and opened it slightly, frowning at the dust that had accumulated. I should clean this before I get to my normal chores. Taking a small feather duster from his supply bag, Kokichi started wiping down the windowsill, feeling a warm breath tickle the hairs on the back of his neck. "Master Amami, if you're feeling ill you should rest."

"You know I'm not sick, I just wanted to spend time with you, Kokichi." Did he call me by my first name? A blush of pink spread across Kokichi's face at the realisation, he hoped his mind willed away the reaction as he turned to face Amami who held out his waist. "If you're willing, that is."

"I'm here to serve you, Master Amami, what would you have me do?" Kokichi asked, attempting to keep his professional composure. He's so close, he's never held me like this before.

"No need to be so formal Kokichi, I only wanted some time alone," Amami smirked at the smaller male. "You know, there's a reason you're my personal maid, that body in that maid dress was too good to miss. We're going to be alone for about two hours, we can do anything we want without consequence." Not giving Kokichi a chance to respond, Rantaro lifted him by his waist and sat the maid on the windowsill. Tucking his wavy hair behind his ear, the green-haired male attached his lips to the purplette's neck. "I didn't know anyone could look so good in a maid dress, yet here you are.~"

"Thank you, Master Amami, I think you look extremely attractive," Kokichi mumbled, attempting to muffle his whimpers as Amami kissed and sucked his neck.

"I'm glad to hear that," Amami chuckled, lifting his head to look Kokichi in the eyes. "Do you want to continue?"

"Yes, I'd love to," Kokichi smiled, his cheeks darkening.

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