🌺 The Robot's Christmas Spirit 🌺

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Ships In This Oneshot

Kiibouma - Kiibo x Kokichi
Saimatsu - Shuichi x Kaede


Kokichi Ouma sat on his couch, alone for another Christmas. He'd never had anyone to celebrate with and the last time he could remember celebrating Christmas was at eight years of age. The boy didn't mind, it'd become normal for everyone to abandon him every holiday season as everyone else around him had other people they loved more.

The doorbell rang, confusing the boy who hesitantly approached it. He never got visitors, and if it was any of his old classmates he still knew they'd always call or text first. Opening the door, Kokichi stared at two old classmates who lived on the floor above him in the apartment building. Shuichi Saihara and Kaede Akamatsu grabbed his wrists and pulled him from the apartment, hugging the boy with excitement.

"Kokichi we need your help!" Kaede shouted, shaking the boy's right hand from her excitement.

"We need help decorating our apartment and you're the only person available," Shuichi explained on his girlfriend's behalf.

"You left it until Christmas Day to decorate? A little bit of bad planning don't'cha think?" Kokichi chuckled at his friends' suffering. 

"Will you help us?" Kaede begged, her innocent eyes pleading with him like a puppy up for adoption. Kokichi's glance switched between the two friends before him and sighed.

"Fine! Fine! Just let me grab my things." Kokichi writhed free from the two friends grips and raced back into his bland, boring apartment, grabbing his phone and keys before meeting again with Shuichi and Kaede. "Alright, let's go spice up your apartment."

Kaede cheered, grabbing Kokichi's hand and dragging him up the stairs, not giving him a chance to lock the door behind him. Oh well, it'll be fine I'm sure. With Kaede's hurry, the three reached their apartment in no time. Kokichi entered the apartment expecting a complete bare residence, but it surprised him as he saw Christmas lights spiralling on staircases, decorations covering every inch of the walls and tinsel hanging from the ceiling.

"What exactly did you need my help with?" He asked, his brow knotting in confusion at the decoration-littered home.

"I want to rearrange everything, it doesn't look right." Kaede explained with her hands on her hips.

"Great, your boyfriend can help with that." Kokichi clapped his hands, turning on his heel to leave before Kaede grabbed his wrist.

"Kokichi you know I'm horrible at decorating, you're better at this." Shuichi pleaded.

"You did perfectly fine for Kaede's birthday." Kokichi retorted.

"This is different, you know Kaede takes this stuff really seriously."

"I'm right here Shuichi." Kaede huffed.

"Okay I'll help, only if you pay me in Panta." Kokichi grinned maliciously. 

"You and your grape soda, okay fine we'll buy you Panta." Shuichi groaned, rolling his eyes at his friend's childishness. Kaede took Kokichi's hand and began pointing out different decorations, telling the boys her plans to remodel.


"Alright, thank you Kokichi! You've done a great job!" Kaede grinned, cheering as she danced around the room. Kokichi's head cocked to the side, confused.

"I... Haven't done anything? We've spent the past hour just planning." They're up to something, they've probably pranked my apartment. "Whatever, happy holidays or some shit." He shouted, running down the hallway to his floor and into his residence.

Fear flooded Kokichi's soul as he noticed the door to his flat wide open. What if someone's trying to kill me? Someone might be stealing my stuff, oh well, it'll be a great time to fuck with someone. Entering the room, Kokichi expected someone standing there with a gun, but only found more of his old classmates. Kiibo, Miu Iruma and Rantaro Amami stood in the middle of the living room finalising some Christmas decorations.

"Hoe hoe hoe bitches." Kokichi shouted, closing his front door behind him and enjoying the startled shouts of his friends. Glancing at Kiibo, Kokichi felt his cheeks flush as the other boy laughed, bringing joy to Kokichi's life. "You're all fucking assholes. Did you have to trash my apartment?"

"Suffer bitch!" Miu shouted, grabbing Rantaro and bolting out of the apartment, leaving Kiibo and Kokichi to their awkward staring match.

"Um... Hi Kokichi. Surprise?" Kiibo awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Kokichi clasped his hands behind his back to hide his fear of facing the boy he'd been crushing on for years, ever since high school even. "What's all this, Kiiboy?"

"Well, you always spend Christmas alone and I thought you'd like to hang out for the holidays?"

"I'm not spending Christmas with a robot." Kokichi joked, smirking at the boy's groan of mental anguish.

"I'm not a- Kokichi that was one phase in high school please stop!" Kiibo stuttered, arguing back with the prankster. Taking the chance for the first time since entering the room, Kokichi looked around at all the decorations. A mix of purple, black, teal and white littered the home, quite an interesting colour choice to the boy. Noticing this, Kiibo decided to offer an explanation. "I know they're your favourite colours, do you like them?"

"No, not at all, it looks disgusting." Kokichi put a finger to his lips, his tell-tale sign of lying. "Maybe that's a lie. Why are you doing this anyway?"

"As I said, you always spend Christmas alone." Kiibo shuffled towards the rocking chair facing outside the window, showing a captivating view of the park outside. "I um, got you a gift. Merry Christmas?" He picked up a box hiding behind the chair and thrust it towards Kokichi, turning his head to the side in a failed attempt to hide the blush spreading over his cheeks.

"Thank... You?" Kokichi mumbled, awkwardly taking the gift. It'd been twelve years since he'd received a Christmas gift, he forgot how to respond. Opening it, the box revealed a collection of individually wrapped heart-shaped chocolates. On the inner side of the lid, Kokichi noticed a note.

To Kokichi,
I hope you like chocolates.

"Kokichi, there's something I need to tell you. I uh, well ever since we met in high school I thought you were... Really cool. I've always thought you were an amazing person and I always wanted to spend as much time around you as possible, and I've only just figured out what that meant." With every word, Kiibo inched forward towards the shocked and frozen Kokichi. "Even though I still don't understand this emotion well, I need to get this out before it eats me inside." 

Kiibo reached the boy, took the chocolates and placed them on the table next to the chair beside the two. Gently taking Kokichi's hands in his, Kiibo took a deep breath and locked his teal eyes with purple. "I love you Kokichi." Slowly leaning in, Kiibo placed his soft lips against Kokichi's.

Wrapping his arms around Kiibo's neck, Kokichi encouraged the boy to place his hands on the smaller's waist as they shared a deep, passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss, Kokichi rested his forehead against Kiibo's smirking as he whispered, "I don't like you."

"Then why-?" Kokichi placed a finger on Kiibo's lips, silencing him as he continued.

"I do love you though." 

"Oh, I hate you sometimes." Kiibo groaned. The two leant together for another kiss, just as passionate as the last. This time, the click of a camera interrupted the two. Both Kokichi and Kiibo jumped away from each other and glared at the doorway, Kaede holding a phone and giggling next to her boyfriend.

"Congratulations you two! I'm glad it worked!" Shuichi smiled, clasping his hands together in success.

"Oh you pieces of shit." Kokichi frowned at the two, figuring out the entire set-up. "If you post that picture I swear to fucking God."

"Merry Christmas Kokichi!" Kaede laughed, slowly backing down the hall and pocketing her phone.

"Get your ass back here Bakamatsu!" Kokichi shouted, chasing Kaede down the hall as their boyfriends laughed at the chase.

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