🍋 Blossoming Love 💎

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saiouma- Saihara Shuichi x Ouma Kokichi

Requested by: Cupcakeswtf

This ended up being pretty long [~4300 words]. Sorry.


Ouma stared at the whiteboard before him. Piles of cardboard boxes littered the room and crumpled pieces of paper detailing rejected escape plans littered the floor. His bed was the only thing that remained tidy, as he hadn't slept during the killing game. It'd been three weeks in their new home, three weeks of that stupid robotic bear trying to get everyone to kill. No one had broken.

His gaze flicked between each image of every contestant in the killing game, all but himself. Each one was labelled with one word describing what he thought of them. Harukawa Maki was a suspicious woman who claimed to be the Ultimate Child-Caregiver. Being an expert on the topic, Ouma knew that was a lie, but the truth was still to be uncovered. K1-B0 - the Ultimate Robot - had simply been labelled as weird. Saihara Shuichi had been labelled as trustworthy with a question mark. Ouma chose to ignore the small heart he'd drawn.

The television screen hanging from the roof above his whiteboard lit up. He glared at it, seeing Monokuma's despicable black and white face pop into view. "Everyone please make your way to the gymnasium for a special announcement!" Without further explanation, the screen faded to static before switching off.

He groaned, stretching his arms in front of him before fixing his outfit. Walking along the horrible green-striped rug, Ouma's eyes landed on a piece of paper contrasting the deep grey flooring. The style of the dorm wasn't horrible to the little liar. It was a contemporary style with a mixture of dark grey and an off-white that could be considered a dirty, pale blue.

Picking up the note, Ouma opened it and frowned. Nothing. Not a dot sat on the snow-white paper. Rolling his eyes, the man slipped it into his pants pocket and left the dorm. He didn't know why he held onto it, but something about it seemed important.

As he left the small, circular dorm building, Ouma walked along the pathway bathed in the sunset's light. It was the perfect temperature inside the glass dome that trapped them, not too hot or too cold. The happiness didn't last long for Ouma.

His fists clenched as he glanced at the people in front of him. Akamatsu Kaede and Saihara Shuichi. Laughing together, just like the best friends they were since the beginning of the killing game. It wasn't like Ouma hated Akamatsu, but he didn't like how ignorant she could be. After finding an (obviously fake) exit hidden beneath the academy grounds, she forced them to attempt the route until everyone lost hope and stamina.

He hated their friendship. Ouma wanted to be the one at Saihara's side, Ouma wanted to be the one to make him laugh. Above all, Ouma wanted to be the one Saihara loved. It shouldn't even cross his mind, Ouma knew that, but with every passing day, he cared less. All the purple-haired leader wanted was to keep everyone far away from him so, in case he died, no one would be sad. That was slowly going to shit.

Stupid fucking love at first sight. It was supposed to be a cliché, not reality.

Still trailing the best friends, Ouma slipped into the gymnasium after them to find everyone else had already arrived. He was - technically - the last to appear. Monokuma seemed to notice this as he began his speech. "Alright you lot, no one is killing and now I'm getting sick of it! That means, another motive!"

"Yippee! Finally! This was getting so boring!" Ouma laughed, his eyes sparkling like the night sky as he punched the air. He didn't feel that way, he didn't want to go through another motive, but he had to pretend. No one was supposed to become attached to him. A few people shot a death glare his way, but Ouma pretended not to notice.

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