🔮 Hitchhiker's Rule 🔮

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Ships In This Oneshot

No ships here.


"Damnit, why now?" Tojo sighed, driving her car off-road as the needle on the fuel gauge dropped to empty. The road where her car had stranded her was familiar to the woman as she lived nearby, but not close enough to walk home without fear of someone murdering her. Moonlight shone through the trees, illuminating the leaves and branches around Tojo.

Tojo wasn't worried about how to get home though, as she knew hitchhiking was always an option. Despite the area being remote compared to the city where she worked, people frequented the roads even in the middle of the night.

Shooting her husband a message explaining the situation, the woman turned off the car's engine. Tojo gathered what little belongings were strewn about the car and packed them neatly into her backpack. I'll come back to the car tomorrow morning. Slipping out of the car and locking it, the sandy-haired female heard her phone ping inside her pocket.

Reading the message with a smile, Tojo slipped her phone back into her pocket. He should know I'll be safe, I hitchhike all the time. Noticing the headlights of an approaching car, Tojo hurried to stick out her thumb while she watched the approaching lights. Protecting her face from the cool breeze, the woman watched as the vehicle zoomed past her, not paying the woman a second thought.

It was normal to be ignored when hitchhiking since most people assumed they could be picking up a serial killer, so Tojo wasn't dejected. The woman continued to stand in the freezing night air, holding her jacket tight as she stuck out her thumb at every civilian driving past her. Car after car passed without a care in the world for the woman, focusing on themselves and finding their way to their destinations.

Tojo had been alone in the darkness of the street for a while, the cars ceasing. The dirt and asphalt lit up from another approaching car, one that Tojo signalled again with her thumb out in the road. She gasped as Tojo noticed the car slowing down, the orange flashing of the indicator filling her with relief as the woman realised she'd be home soon.

As the black car pulled to a stop in front of her, Tojo bent over to peek through the window that whirred as it rolled down into the frame of the door. A woman with long, brown hair wrapped up in pigtails stared back at her, red eyes holding no hint of emotion behind them. "You alright?" The stranger asked. Even her voice is devoid of emotion, almost like that of a broken woman.

"I need to get home, do you mind helping me?" Tojo asked, shooting the woman a sweet smile to show she meant no harm.

The stranger nodded and pressed a button in between the two front seats of the car, unlocking the doors. "Get in, I'll drive you," the other woman muttered.

"Thank you so much, Ma'am." Tojo hopped into the passenger seat of the car, enjoying the warmth of the heated vehicle. She watched the world pass by outside the window, only hearing the noise of the car as it rolled over the asphalt or her voice telling the woman where to turn.

"What's your name?" The stranger asked, seeming to have an intent to start up a conversation. "I'm Harukawa. I use she/her pronouns too, by the way."

"Tojo Kirumi, and I also use she/her pronouns. It's nice to meet you Harukawa," she smiled. Harukawa only nodded in response, never breaking her gaze from the road.

"You too. Are you married? I noticed a ring," the other woman mentioned.

"Oh, yes I am! I'll have been married to my husband for five years as of tomorrow," Tojo smiled, hearts filling her eyes.

"Impressive, it takes a lot to be married to someone," Harukawa remarked.

"What about you? Are you in a relationship?" Tojo asked, not noticing a ring on any of Harukawa's fingers.

"Single, I prefer it that way. I'm not good with relationships." Harukawa's gaze hardened so Tojo decided not to push the topic any further. "Do you have any pets or children? Or do you just live with your husband?"

"Just with my husband. We're not interested in having children and I'm allergic to most animal furs." Tojo watched as the two turned into another familiar street, still as remote as the bush surrounding the one where her car rested.

"Understandable. I hate children and I'm allergic to dogs," Harukawa agreed. Tojo smiled at the woman, enjoying the small talk with the other woman she'll only meet once in her life. Most people who picked her up were rude and condescending, making remarks about how she needed to learn to manage her time better or learn to drive. Small talk removed the awkward tension between strangers and provided a sense of security in such a vulnerable moment.

"Tell me about yourself, what do you do?" Tojo asked, wanting to fuel the fire of conversation.

"Nothing special, just a woman to happened to be driving by. What about you? Care to tell me what happened to your car?" Harukawa asked.

"The car ran out of petrol on my way back from work. I thought I had just enough to get to a service station but I guess not," Tojo chuckled.

"If you don't mind me asking, why not call your husband to help?" Harukawa questioned the woman.

"He hates driving in the dark, it makes him paranoid so I'd rather not have him worry himself to death for my mistake. We can go back tomorrow morning to get it home, it's no big deal." Tojo had always planned this with her husband, as she'd broken down a few times in the past with the damaged, second-hand cars they bought when they first moved in together. People considered the area quite safe, so the woman wasn't worried about her vehicle.


Noticing her home approaching, Tojo pointed it out to Harukawa. She began to slow down the car, pulling over on the road only lit by dim streetlights. "Thank you so much for your help Harukawa, please take this as a token of my appreciation." Tojo reached into her purse and pulled out five thousand yen, handing it to the woman who shook her head.

"No, I'm not taking anything. There is one thing I need to ask of you, however," Harukawa explained. Tojo noticed, slipping the money back into her purse. "Could you open the bag for me that's behind my seat?"

"Of course, one second!" Tojo slipped out of the car, circling to the back door and pulling it open. A black duffle bag blended in with the black interior, resting on the floor behind the driver's seat. Opening the bag, Tojo's blood ran cold, her grin dropping into a shocked expression.

Inside the bag was an array of concerning items, ones that would cause the police to arrest someone. A knife, pistol, a bunch of coil rope, trash bags, latex gloves, bleach, and other objects Tojo couldn't identify. She wasn't about to touch them to determine the objects, not wanting to pant her fingerprints on the murder kit, despite the fact they were already on the zipper.

"Tojo, you got lucky tonight. I like you and you're too nice to be one of my victims," Harukawa began speaking. "Close the bag please." Doing as was asked, Tojo turned to stare at the back of Harukawa's head, noticing the woman staring at her through the side mirror of the car. "Don't hitchhike anymore, there are too many sick people out there like me."

With trembling, pale hands, Tojo shut the door and stumbled back from the black vehicle, watching as it raced away from her. Staring up at her home, the woman's mind raced a mile a minute as she came to a bone-chilling realisation. Harukawa never intended for her to leave that car alive. 

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