🍋 Christmas Wish 🍋

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Oneshot Information

Oumami - Kokichi x Rantaro

Kinks: Degradation, Bondage (kinda. Handcuffs on ropes), Master/Pet names, Sex toys, Overstimulation, Spanking and Choking.

Merry Christmas Callmehmilo!

I prefer writing from the submissive's POV, but here's a POV from Amami!


Amami Rantaro groaned in mild discomfort as he pushed the front door shut with his hip. He slipped off his shoes before approaching the kitchen and dumping grocery bags full of gifts from his father, twelve sisters and five stepmothers onto the counter. Fucking hell. Christmas was lovely but he hated the number of trips necessary just to see his entire family. Luckily they had the sense to move to Japan in December so everyone could be together, but usually, half of Amami's family lived around the world. Even if they lived in the USA, he'd visit them though. Anything for his family.

The only thing that kept him sane through the arduous journey was the memory and cheeky texts from someone else important in his life. "Babe! I'm home!" Amami called into the empty home. He glanced around and frowned when he received no answer. Usually, Ouma Kokichi would've jumped onto him and showered him with kisses whilst complaining about being abandoned for centuries. This time, the tinsel-filled house held no hint of life.

Amami crept further through the home and decided to head to their shared bedroom. He and his boyfriend lived together for a year and this would mark their first Christmas together. To say Amami was excited would be the understatement of the century.

When he reached the bedroom, a note taped to the door caught his eye. He squinted at the paper, trying to read the familiar scrawl.

Hello, my beloved avocado! Sorry that I'm not at home right now :( But, since I'm the nicest person to exist, I'll let you open one Christmas gift alone to make up for it!

P.S. You have to open the biggest gift though, or my super evil secret organisation will kill you~

-Love, the best supreme leader to ever exist!

Amami grinned, unable to hold back his chuckle. He fucking loved his eccentric boyfriend - the supposed supreme leader of an evil organisation with over ten thousand members. In reality, it was just Ouma's ten best friends pulling pranks on random strangers here and there.

Glancing down the hallway, Amami sighed and decided to follow Ouma's orders. He felt a little dejected that his boyfriend wouldn't be joining him for a while, but knowing Ouma, he had a trick up his sleeve; or twenty; or two million.

The lime-haired man made his way to one of their living rooms in the large, two-story home. Well, it was supposed to be a living room. Ouma changed it to the 'holiday room' - aka, the room he decorated to oblivion whenever a holiday came around. Amami loved watching the short man dance around with decorations in hand, sticking them to walls with a bright, puerile grin.

When he entered the room littered with deep-green and bright red tinsel, Amami's eyes landed on a strange box. The two placed their gifts beneath the tree only a night prior, mainly to avoid Ouma peeking at anything like the excitable man-child he was. He didn't need to analyse his surroundings to realise what changed.

That package wasn't there last night.

A brown, human-sized box sat in the middle of the room with a purple ribbon wrapped around it haphazardly. It didn't take a genius to know what was happening.

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