🎀 Pregame Meets Ingame {Pt 3} [Shuichi] 🎀

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saiouma - Shuichi x Kokichi (One-sided, ⚠️Abusive⚠️)


~ Day 1 ~

"Shuichi Saihara, come on up!" Monokuma announced, dancing around in one spot. Oh no, this isn't good. If Ouma told the truth then... Out of fear of his friends' safety, Shuichi slowly stepped backwards before trying to run away. "Ah, I see. Ouma must've been able to tell you a few things about yourself!" The robot bear teased.

Before the detective could get anywhere, Monokid and Monotaro worked together to grab him, dragging him towards the stage. Shuichi gave up struggling and shuffled himself, terror oozing from every orifice. "It doesn't hurt Shuichi, you won't feel anything." Maki shocked the group with her words of wisdom accompanied by an unusual, genuinely caring tone.

"It'll be over before you know it!" Kokichi added, doubling the level of shock.

"That's not the problem, I know what this version of me will act like! You guys are in a lot of danger!" Shuichi argued, his high-pitched voice cracking with concern.

"Puhuhuhu~ You're correct Shuichi!" Monokuma agreed before activating the bright light. Once it subsided, Shuichi opened his eyes, half expecting nothing to have happened since, as Maki said, it didn't hurt. Unfortunately for him, he noticed Saihara standing next to him, awkwardly tugging on his hat.

Once Saihara had a chance to look around the gymnasium, his behaviour switched from shy to ecstatic. "Hey everyone! It's nice to see you all again! Since I know you don't know me, I'm Shuichi Saihara!"

"Hey, uh, Saihara." Shuichi awkwardly mumbled, unsure how to approach the situation. Saihara turned to his side to see a mirrorless reflection of him.

"Oh cool, I'm here after all! Let me guess, Ultimate Detective?" Shuichi nodded, causing a loud cheer to erupt from Saihara. "Okay, so my name will be Saihara, right? Since that's what you called me?" Receiving another nod, the new boy crept forward and whispered something in Shuichi's ear. "Are you the mastermind?"

"What? No of course not!" 

"Awe, that sucks. Anyway, I'm going off to explore. Bye-bye Shuichi, bye Kokichi!" Saihara sang, skipping out of the gym leaving everyone else slightly confused. 

~ Day 2 ~

"Oh, looks like I win." Kokichi giggled as he revealed his winning set of cards to Shuichi. The two sat sprawled out on the soft grass underneath the glass dome encasing the academy. "That's five-nil to me!"

Saihara approached and sat down in between Kokichi and Shuichi, twisting his body towards the leader as he intentionally interrupted their game. "Hey Kokichi, are you a virgin?" He didn't answer, instead just raising his eyebrows at Shuichi. "Do your parents hit you?"

"Can you shut up? I don't have any parents, I killed them years ago." Kokichi grinned, leaning backwards on his hands.

"Are you a hardcore masochist? Do you have any weird kinks?" Why is he asking all this stuff?

"Saihara, can you stop? You're invading his privacy." Shuichi attempted to shut down the situation, receiving a death glare that sent shivers through his soul.

"Fine. Kokichi, if you don't want to answer then that's fine because I already know!" Drool dripped from Saihara's mouth, his eyes glistening as he pulled a knife from his pocket, lunging towards the boy. Without any time to react, Saihara had impaled Kokichi's hand, the blade lodging itself into the dirt as the victim tried his hardest not to cry. "You like it don't you babe?~"

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