🍋 Frills and Skills and Another Component 🍋

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saioumami - Shuichi x Kokichi x Rantaro

I originally wrote this for the 90 Day Saioumami Challenge but I got carried away and it didn't match the prompt. Anyway, I didn't wanna just delete it so yeah I thought I'd make it here. 


The sound of the maid's black heels clicked against the marble tile floor as he carried a tray of sweet treats through the empty home. Kokichi's boss, Saihara Shuichi, had a friend over for the day, and the maid had taken it upon himself to prepare some snacks. Shifting the metal tray onto his forearm to free his other, Kokichi knocked on the bedroom door. As the door opened, Kokichi bowed before noticing a green-haired male had answered. "Pleasure to see you again Master Amami," Kokichi greeted with a smile.

"Nice to see you too Ouma. It's been a while," Amami chuckled.

"I've made some snacks for you both," Kokichi explained as Amami stepped to the side, allowing the maid to enter the bedroom. As always, Saihara's bedroom remained spotless due to Kokichi's cleaning skills. Secretly, Kokichi took more care in the room for a particular reason unbeknownst to anyone other than his boss.

Amami shut the bedroom door and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. His face remained blank but his body radiated friendly optimism. Placing the tray of snacks onto the dresser nearby, Kokichi turned to Saihara who lay on his king-sized bed. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Master Saihara?"

"Uhm, do you think you could close the window since you're there? I'm sorry to be a bother," Saihara muttered as he sat up and smiled.

"Not at all Master Saihara!" Kokichi chuckled. He approached the open window a few steps from him and pulled the pane closed, latching it. Before he could turn around, the male gasped as a pair of hands gently grabbed his waist. Being able to identify the scent of the other from a mile away, Kokichi chuckled and held onto one of Saihara's large hands. "May I inquire what you're doing?"

"You know full well what I'm doing," Saihara whispered with a chuckle.

"Yes, but Master Amami is here," Kokichi explained.

"What if he joins in?" Shuichi continued, his body heat providing Kokichi with a warmth he longed for often.

"Only if you want me to Ouma," Amami hurried from further away. The male sounded worried and Kokichi figured that Amami could be nervous about the situation, no matter the turn it took. Pondering the offer, Kokichi smiled and nodded, pulling the curtains of the third-story window half-closed.

"I wouldn't mind, however, only as long as you two are comfortable with this situation. As far as I'm aware, we are the only ones in the home until seven tonight," Kokichi explained to no one in particular. The rest of the Saihara family had taken a trip for business that Kokichi's boss decided not to join. As a result of the trip, all of their maids had been granted the day off.

Kokichi giggled as Saihara picked him up by his waist, his body bouncing as his boss tossed him onto the bed. "Woah, that was easier than I thought. Do you really have sex often?" Amami asked his best friend who nodded with a smirk. The greenette glanced at Kokichi as if asking for his answer so the male hummed in the affirmative. "Lucky," Amami joked. Blushing at the compliment, Kokichi turned his head to the side.

"You know, we don't have to do this if you don't want to. I know you two don't know each other well so don't feel pressured Ouma," Saihara muttered with a caring smile. Whilst it was true Kokichi only met Amami in passing a handful of times, he felt like the two had immediately sparked a conversationless friendship.

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