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Ships In This Oneshot

Saimami- Saihara Shuichi x Amami Rantaro

Requested/Inspired by: flowerSaionji

Hehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Also, fuck the Monokubz let's pretend they don't exist. I'm so bad at writing Monokuma too but what's new?

I'm trying to change up my writing style a little bit. Please please PLEASE tell me if you like this chapter or past ones, I really need to know and I'd LOVE any constructive criticism!!

Also warning for body dysphoria.


Shuichi stared at the circle of students around him, all waiting in the silent gymnasium of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. Monokuma had summoned them to the room for a new motive in the killing game. To say everyone was frightened would be an understatement. Utter terror would be a more appropriate description. Someone could die as a result of this motive. Another friend could be dead within a few minutes.

The blue-haired detective's mind raced with memories of traumatic executions and finding friends dead. Hoshi Ryoma was killed by Tojo Kirumi, and Gokuhara Gonta was killed by... Akamatsu Kaede... someone Shuichi had admired before she became the first blackened. He'd loved her more than anything, admired the blonde pianist to the moon and back. His first friend in the killing game, in the past five years, and she turned into a murderer.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Shuichi stood in the middle of the collection of contestants, all awaiting the motive's commencement. All seemed afraid but Shuichi knew one of them was acting, overlooking Ouma. Ouma grinned and danced around in excitement but Shuichi couldn't ignore the fear dancing behind his violet eyes.

"Alright, you lot!" Monokuma shouted as he appeared from thin air. The half-black and half-white robotic bear pumped his fists into the air, the only one truly excited for someone to die. Well, externally. Shuichi knew someone was controlling him, someone undercover. Someone who pretended to be their friend. "Oi, attention up here Saihara!" Clicking his paws (somehow), Monokuma distracted Shuichi from his thoughts again.

"Now, this motive isn't going to be like the others!" Monokuma began. "This is for my enjoyment, well, on the side of the killing game. There will probably be more motives in the future if you don't kill anyone but oh well more fun for me!" Shuichi didn't understand. What did Monokuma mean by a motive on the side of the killing game? Could it be a motive that wouldn't result in murder?

"Awe!" Ouma shouted through the silence. "This is gonna be boring!"

"Not in the slightest! Be grateful!" Monokuma snapped, his red eye glinting against the black metal plates.

"What's the motive?" Chabashira asked, a scoff hidden in her voice. Shuichi had to admit he didn't like how long the speech was taking, however, any time that would distract from a motive was welcome. Although, he couldn't avoid it. No one could avoid it.

"Wait until I show you! God, kids these days, so impatient," Monokuma scoffed. "I'll need a special helper for this! Saihara, you're up! How lucky you are!"

"W-What?!" Shuichi gasped, his golden eyes widening beneath the shadow of his cap. "W-Why me?!" He didn't know what this could mean. Could he die? Would Monokuma wipe his memories, or maybe an embarrassing secret would be revealed?

"The motive involves you, duh! I thought the Ultimate Detective would be able to figure that one out," Monokuma cackled. Saddened by the attack on his skills, Shuichi's face fell as his gaze fell to the floor.

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