🎀 We Share More than a Dorm {Pt 2} 🎀

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saiouma - Shuichi x Kokichi (Platonic)

~ Warning ~ Self-deprecation and self-harm.


Kokichi took a deep breath and placed a fake grin on his face, storming into the dining hall and taking the last open seat. Taking a plate of food from Tojo, the male pretended to be minding his own business, secretly listening to everyone discussing the motive. "What we know so far is that two people seem to be connected through pain," Saihara discussed with Akamatsu.

Instead of eating the breakfast Tojo made for him, Kokichi took a small piece and threw it on Yonaga's plate next to him. "That's why I keep getting pain for no reason?" Shirogane asked. Wow, took you all long enough to figure this shit out, idiots. Flicking all of the food before him to other people's plates, Kokichi successfully avoided eating altogether for another morning. I'm fat enough as it is, I don't need more food just to throw it up later.

Taking a deep breath, the small male ignored the pain of his grumbling stomach, something he only felt occasionally, especially when he was around food. Saihara groaned in pain, crossing his arms over his stomach as he doubled over in his seat. I guess Saihara doesn't starve himself. It's not right to do this to him, but if he doesn't figure out we're connected, my secret will be safe. "Hey, Saihara, what's wrong?" Kiibo asked, patting the male on the back.

"I don't know, it's not as bad now though," Saihara awkwardly chuckled, rubbing his stomach.

"Guess a bitch has her period or some shit!" Iruma cackled, squealing at the glares of disdain from her classmates.

"Hey, what if we all pinch ourselves and see who reacts?" Akamatsu suggested, grinning as the entire room agreed. Fuck, I'm not being a part of this.

"That sounds boring, have fun, you masochists!" Kokichi grinned, swinging his hands behind his head and marching from the dining hall. Lowering his arms, the male chewed on his thumb as he walked outside, staring at the transparent dome trapping them inside the killing game. What happens when Saihara figures stuff out, what will he do? He has to have felt what I did last night, there's no way he didn't put two and two together, he's a fucking detective. God, why do I have the worst luck? Wait, why am I worried about this? All I have to do is lie! If Saihara feels pain and I pretend not to, he'll be confused enough to think he's wrong.

Having lost himself in his thoughts, Kokichi didn't notice the blue-haired detective running after him. "Hey, Ouma wait up!" Stopping in his tracks, he grinned at Saihara taking deep breaths. He must've run here.

"Desperate for some action Saihara?" Kokichi chuckled, replacing his hands behind his purple hair.

"We need to talk. There's something I want to try out, is that alright with you?" Saihara asked, straightening his posture and begging Kokichi with his eyes.

"Hmm, I wonder, is it alright with me?" Kokichi grinned, not having a chance to answer properly before Saihara slapped him in the face. "What the fuck was that for?!"

"I was right," Saihara mumbled, ignoring Kokichi's eyes of fury.

"You spend yesterday insulting me, and now you slap me in the face? For what? I won't hesitate to kill you Saihara, it'll be a piece of cake, we are roommates," Kokichi glowered, his frown proving that he wasn't joking for once in his life.

Seeming unfazed, Saihara started to explain. "I just figured out who I'm connected to in the motive, it's you Ouma."

"Oh really? Are you sure? You could be wrong, you know!" Kokichi grinned, internally screaming at the other male's intelligence. "Maybe someone was just slapped at the same time, after all, Chabashira is in the same room as a bunch of men." Saihara rolled his eyes before punching Kokichi in the shoulder, again, without warning, colliding with the bruise caused by Momota. Shouting in pain, Kokichi grabbed Saihara's wrist and pulled him closer, sidestepping and twisting the detective's arm behind his back. Shoving the detective to the ground, Kokichi took a sharp breath, feeling the impact himself. "If you keep punching me, I'm deeming it a murder attempt and killing you in self-defence."

"I'm not going to hit you again, please get off me," Saihara mumbled. Standing, Kokichi dusted off his clothes and left his victim to fend for himself. He's found me out, why am I still denying this? No, keep fighting it Kokichi, you can win this, you won't lose. "Ouma, I want to help." Rolling his eyes, Kokichi huffed and walked away, travelling towards a bench that hid behind a wall, out of sight of the main building. I kind of want his help though, I know I need it and, honestly, I don't know how much longer I can do this alone. As he sat down, Kokichi noticed the man in the striped uniform sitting next to him. Good, he followed me, but how do I admit I need help? That's not something I've done in my life, ever. "You self-harm, don't you? Your arms, did you cut them last night?"

"That's a bit blunt there Saihara~Chan," Kokichi mumbled, a defensive smile creeping on his cheeks. "Where'd that come from?" You fucking idiot, you know where it came from, why is that your first reaction?

"The pain motive, I felt everything. Ouma, can I see your arms? I want to make sure nothing is infected and how bad it is if that's alright. If you don't want me to I won't-"

"Shut up, you're boring me," Kokichi sighed, slowly tugging his sleeves up his arm to reveal the bloody bandages protecting his white uniform. His stomach twisted as Saihara gasped, the detective carefully unwrapping the bandages sticking to dried wounds.

"Ouma..." Saihara started to say something, but trailed off, staring at the fresh, red wounds against Kokichi's pale snow skin. The two stared at each other, neither sure what to say. Sighing, Kokichi grabbed the bandages and balled them up, trying his best to flatten them and shoved them into his pocket, tugging his sleeves back over his arms. His eyes widened as Saihara pulled him into a hug, his body tensing at the unfamiliar action. "You're starving yourself too, aren't you?"

"What makes you think that?" Kokichi whispered, his instinct to make others question themselves kicking in automatically.

"I can feel it. My stomach has been hurting this entire time. I've also never actually seen you eat, you've had food but I can't remember a single time I've seen you put food into your mouth." Saihara mumbled into Kokichi's shoulder, the smaller boy unsure how to react to the embrace. Well, my stomach only hurts sometimes, but I guess I've gotten used to the feeling. If Saihara's always in pain, maybe I am too? "I'm going to do anything I can to help you, no one should feel like doing this to themselves. Whatever happens, I'm here for you... Kokichi."

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