❓ I Needed Your Help ❓

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Ships In This Oneshot

No ships in this oneshot.

~ Warning ~ Suicide and mental health themes. Maybe suicide-baiting? I don't know if it is.

I know I shouldn't do three vents in a row, but here we are and my fuck supply is empty. At least this is a short one. I hope a particular person sees this, but I know it'll ruin any chance at fixing our friendship.


Saihara Shuichi tossed and turned in bed, his eyes burning and pillow soaked in tears. He hadn't left this bed for weeks. His clothes and body smelled nasty and his deep-navy hair stuck to his forehead from the grease and grime. The man refused to eat or talk to anyone. Going to work every day was a struggle and people gave him odd glares due to his dishevelled appearance, but at least it distracted him from his problems for eight hours.

All the man wanted was to die; he had no reason to live.

He would cry if he had tears left, but those fell into his pillow many hours ago, leaving behind a burning, sorrowful shell of a human.

At least Saihara wasn't alone. He had one more lifeline to pull him out of this hole, one person he could go to for help. The man rolled over to grab his phone, unused muscles and joints screaming in protest at the sudden movement. Saihara could talk to Ouma Kokichi, a friendly acquaintance of a few months.

The two met online and lived on other sides of the world, but it didn't stop them from talking often. Ouma could be quirky, but Saihara realised that he was the same. Talking to Ouma made him realise that his true nature wasn't a bad thing, and he should embrace it.

When they first met, Ouma messaged Saihara with one plea. To give him a reason to live. Saihara immediately did his best to console the other, not wanting someone to succumb to their despair. No one deserved that, not when Saihara knew how horrid it could be. He hoped that he helped Ouma; it appeared that way, at least.

Hopefully, now Ouma could help him out too.

Saihara didn't want to be selfish by asking for help, but Ouma always told him to count on him if he needed it, that they could talk and the other would help. He shot a text to the man and desperately awaited a response.

OuMaGod 🍇 】

Hey, could we talk?

OuMaGod 🍇:

Oh, thank God. Ouma replied immediately and Saihara smiled. The man cared. Something seemed off about the other though. Was he upset?

I'm feeling really low and I don't know what to do

OuMaGod 🍇:
Don't kill yourself

It's kind of hard not to right now

OuMaGod 🍇:
It's not worth it
You have a lot of people who care about you

Like who?

Saihara despised how rude he was, but he couldn't control himself. He knew it wasn't an excuse, but he felt like something snapped.

OuMaGod 🍇:
Your friends.

I don't have any. I don't have anyone to live for

OuMaGod 🍇:
What am I?

We don't know anything about each other, we just talk about Danganronpa or vent. I wouldn't call that a proper friendship
Please? I just need one reason to live

OuMaGod 🍇:
I'm not going to say anything. You'll just tell me why I'm wrong anyway.

Okay then.
Goodbye, I guess.

OuMaGod 🍇:

Saihara turned off his phone and threw it to the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling. Why didn't Ouma want to help? Was Saihara not worth the effort? Ouma simply said goodbye, fully aware that Saihara intended to leave and never return.

But now he didn't.

Now, he just wanted answers.

Tears filled his vision, the dam replenished as he began to silently weep. Was he not worth saving? Saihara brought this on himself, he shouldn't have been mean to Ouma, and he shouldn't have said they weren't friends, despite believing what he said. He thought that Ouma would be willing to help since he dropped everything to help Ouma as much as possible. Yes, there were a few times that he couldn't help, because Saihara suffered the same trauma as Ouma and couldn't help without turning into a screaming, crying ball of bloody wounds and memories. Did that make him a bad person?

Saihara didn't know Ouma's reasons for not helping. Maybe he was in a horrid mental state too, but to simply let a friend go and kill themselves? Even in his current state, if Saihara received a message from Ouma asking for a reason to live, he'd try his best to help.

Rolling over again, Saihara squeezed his eyes shut as he cried.

But who was in the wrong?

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