🔮 Pregame Obsessions [Rewrite] 🌪️

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Ships In This Oneshot

Pregame Saiouma - Saihara x Ouma (One-sided + Abusive).
Pregame Oumota - Ouma x Momota.

~ Warning ~ Murder, one-sided love, graphic violence and gore, kidnapping and torture.

It came to my attention a while ago that someone has seen the original oneshot written somewhere else word-for-word but instead of Oumota, it was changed to Oumami. If you see that oneshot, please tag me whether it's on Wattpad or AO3 because I never permitted anyone to rewrite my stories.

I'm not too fond of the idea of people rewriting my stories even with permission, but if you'd like to use a concept I wrote or if a work inspires you to write something, that's okay! Just as long as you credit me, please. If you're unsure, just ask, it's not hard.


Saihara Shuichi never cared about anything in life. Except for Ouma Kokichi, his classmate. He loved that man for years and years, and Ouma loved him too, even if he didn't know it. That short man's black hair faded to purple at the tips and how it curled upward at the tips left Saihara drooling. His violet, innocent eyes were always wide in wonder or despair. Every soft word that came from his lips was accompanied by a stutter. Each second involved fidgeting around to calm an overwhelming anxiety that constantly tortured him.

Every single thing about Ouma captivated Saihara and he couldn't think about anything other than the teenager. He heard Ouma grimace at his greasy deep-navy hair and the sparkle in his grey-gold eyes every time he watched someone cry or fight. It was an act though, it had to be. There was no way in Hell that Ouma disliked Saihara in any way.

No one disliked their significant other, and that's what they were.

Saihara had an idea to settle things once and for all. Not just an idea, but a dream. He would take Ouma home with him and talk. The thought alone made him fight the drool dripping from his lips. This day was planned out for years, and how he could finally make his dream come true! Every little possibility was taken into account. Nothing would go wrong.

His cheeks burned from grinning too hard, but luckily his was was hidden behind a Danganronpa manga. Peeking out from behind the worn pages of a manga he read fifty times per month, Saihara's eyes scanned the café for his treasure. Ouma sat at the back with his supposed boyfriend, Momota Kaito.

Every day, Ouma and Momota came to the café after class and did their homework together and ate. Saihara hated Momota with a burning fucking passion. He was a good-for-nothing piece of shit in his eyes. Momota would abuse Ouma daily by beating and bullying him for years until they suddenly announced their romantic relationship. Without a doubt in Saihara's mind, Momota forced him into it. Ouma faked every smile and blush, every moment of happiness.

Ouma only had eyes for Saihara.

A soft buzz startled Saihara as he whipped his head to his mobile sitting beside a plate of uneaten Dango. Sighing, he placed his belongings into his shoulder bag and prepared to leave and enact his plan. He squeezed through crowds of children filling the café during their after-school endeavours.

He began following Ouma's exact route home, a route that he knew well. Ouma was particular about his timing too, so he would leave the café at four in the afternoon sharp. As he walked through the streets, each turn saw fewer and fewer people until, eventually, Saihara was alone. Rifling through his bag, he pulled out a ziplock bag containing a syringe. Not wanting to be caught, Saihara hurried to remove the syringe and place it into a more accessible part of his bag after ensuring the cap was in place.

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