🔮 Pregame Obsessions 🌪️

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saiouma - Shuichi x Kokichi (One-sided)
Oumota - Kokichi x Kaito

~ Warning ~ This oneshot involves murder, kidnapping and torture/hurting someone.
(Is this angst? I don't know if this counts as angst, but oh well have tornado emoji anyway.) 

This is easily the most fucked up shit I've written so far. Like really fucked up, I regret everything but I worked so hard on this. You have been warned.


Kokichi Ouma, the boy I loved for years and years, and the boy who secretly loved me. He just doesn't know it. Oh, how I cherish him and his violet, wavy hair with his purple, innocent eyes. His cute stutter when he speaks. The way he fidgets when he feels anxious. I can't get enough of him, and soon enough I'll have his heart.

You see, I was about to bring Kokichi home with me! Ah, I can't believe it, it's finally happening! Even though I melt into a drooling mess when we interact, I have the perfect plan to get him into my basement. I've planned this day out for years, and now it's finally happening! My cheeks hurt from my smile, but no pain could stop the ecstasy of my dream finally coming true. Glancing around the dessert cafe, my eyes landed on the angel across the establishment.

Every day after school Kokichi comes to this cafe with his boyfriend, Kaito Momota. That good for nothing piece of shit. He used to bully my Kokichi until they suddenly started dating a few months ago, I bet Kaito forced my poor sweetheart into the relationship. He's feigning that happiness, I just know it. Kokichi only has eyes for me.

My phone lit up on the table, attracting my attention. Ah, 3:58, it's time to go. Gathering my stuff, I crept through the crowd of children filling the place for their after-school endeavours. My baby takes this pathway every single evening at this exact time, it'll be easy to bring him home with me, after a bit of persuasion, of course. Rifling through my shoulder bag, I pulled out a syringe and slipped it into an external pocket on my bag, making it less complicated to fiddle around with later.

I'd taken this route many times alone. After all, I needed to understand exactly what I needed to do, and all the hiding spots available in case of emergency. Slipping into the exact alleyway I'd planned, all I had to do now was wait for Kokichi. Sneaking a peek at my phone, I knew I had only a few minutes until God himself wandered past me.

Seconds turned into hours as a few minutes passed in that dark, filthy alleyway. It's okay though, I'll do anything for my beloved Ouma~Kun! Oh, there he is! Noticing the love of my life waltz by, I slipped out of the alleyway and trailed him at a regular distance. There are a few people over there, I'll have to wait until they're out of sight.

I kept trailing my beloved. Admittedly, it was annoying having to wait until I enacted the rest of my plan, but seeing that sexy ass strut before me made it all worth it. Seeing his thick ass always made me drool, and this time was no different. Flicking my gaze to the side, I noticed the two people I saw earlier gone, the street remained deserted. Perfect. Increasing my gait, I pulled the syringe from my bag and covered Kokichi's beautiful mouth, injecting all of the syringe's contents into his neck. "Goodnight my love." Bending down in front of him, I gathered Kokichi's limp, dazed body on my back, carrying him down the street towards our new life together.


Almost home, just a few more steps and we'll be home Ouma~Kun. "Um, excuse me, is everything okay?" Fuck. A stranger approached Kokichi and I, concern plastered all over their face.

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