🌺 Bloody Kisses 💎

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saioumatsu - Shuichi x Kokichi x Kaede

Requested by: Someone on AO3

Warning: Bullying.

I wasn't sure if this was fluff or not considering there's a trigger warning. Please tell me if I need to change the category.


With an expression as hard as rocks, Kaede entered the classroom and caught a glimpse of the grey and purple-haired male sitting in the corner, eyes glued to his phone. Kaede frowned for a moment, unable to see the male's face as he'd hidden it behind his fringe. The room remained silent aside from their breathing before Kaede stepped forward and stood in front of his desk, staring down at him.

"Stand up Kokichi," she demanded. Kokichi jumped as his gaze darted up to the blonde, a smile dancing on his lips as he put away his phone and stood, just as she asked.

Kaede's frown returned as she caught sight of the dried blood staining Kokichi's upper lip. It seemed smeared, almost as if the other had attempted to hide it and didn't know he'd done a horrible job. Grabbing his cheeks, Kaede pulled his face closer and planted a gentle kiss on his chapped lips, resting their foreheads together. "For God's sake babe... You let this happen every week."

"I know, I'm s-" Kaede's yelp of surprise interrupted Kokichi's apology as her body flew across the room, crashing into multiple desks. Pain surged through her head and arm as she struggled to figure out what'd happened. The pain felt familiar to her, Kaede's landed herself in trouble often for being blunt, usually in the wrong situations.

Holding her head with a muffled groan, Kaede opened her eyes to see Gokuhara, the school bully, trapping Kokichi. His large, muscular arms pushed against the wall on either side of Kokichi's head as Gokuhara used his large stature to intimidate his victim. "He's taken, you know," Kaede smirked.

"Shut the fuck up you whore," the green-haired male spat without breaking his gaze from Kokichi. "You, money, now."

"I gave you all the money I had on me," Kokichi sighed. His voice didn't waver and his body didn't tremble, Kaede knew the victim wasn't scared. Kokichi had revealed that he saw these interactions as cries for help from others and had taken it upon himself to help anyone who tried to hurt him. This made him an easy, common target for bullying. "Gokuhara, I know you don't have much so I gave what I could. If I had more, I'd have given it to you." He's too nice for his own good.

"You can shove your money up your unwiped ass," Kaede chuckled. Just because Kokichi refused to be rude didn't mean she had to as well. She watched as Gokuhara pushed away from the wall, glaring at Kaede as he slowly approached.

"Fuck off," a voice spoke from the doorway, surprising the three. Kaede peeked over the desk to see her other boyfriend standing there with a frown.

"You're no fun," Gokuhara groaned, pushing past Shuichi as he stormed out of the desolate classroom. The moment that he left, Kokichi and Shuichi ran to Kaede's side and knelt beside her.

"Are you okay?!" Kokichi gasped, grabbing Kaede's hand and holding it tight.

"I'm fine, calm down Kokichi," Kaede sighed. Shuichi's gaze glanced between the two before it landed on Kokichi's face.

"Ko, your nose... Are you alright too?" The bluenette asked. "I swear I'll kill him."

"Oh come on, you can't even kill a fly," Kaede smirked.

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