🔮 An Unhealthy Obsession 🔮

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Ships In This Oneshot

[Pregame | One-Sided] Saiouma - Shuichi x Kokichi

~ Warning ~ This oneshot involves stalking.

This is a short story based on the song 'An Unhealthy Obsession' by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra. (See above)


Saihara Shuichi hummed the theme song of his favourite reality TV show, footsteps unheard as he walked down the street lit by a few flickering lamps. His eyes never left his phone, hunting for a particular sign to enact his weekly hobby. Someone just had to interrupt though, and it had to be the last person Saihara cared about right now. To be fair, he only ever cared about one person in his life.

Staring at his classmate's name on the screen, Saihara resisted the urge to break his phone in anger. He needed this phone to protect his boyfriend. With more force than necessary, Saihara answered the call and held his mobile to his ear. "What the fuck do you want?" The navy-haired man snarled.

"Where the fuck are you?!" Akamatsu Kaede shouted from the other side over the sound of party music. God, he hated that blonde bimbo, but he couldn't leave her any time soon, not until someone could replace her. As much as he hated to admit it, no one else could serve her role so flawlessly. "We all agreed to get pissed tonight! My parents are away, it's the perfect time for a party!"

"It's Wednesday," Saihara reminded the woman. "Why the fuck would I join you losers?" Only she and Momota Kaito, another close friend, knew the significance of this day. Every Wednesday was special and provided a new, sacred opportunity that he couldn't resist. The thought of skipping a week made him fret, filled with worry over his boyfriend's safety. Saihara needed to watch his boyfriend every single minute of every single day, even if it was through a hidden camera.

"Ugh! Don't tell me you're out being a creep!" Akamatsu cried. Saihara could see the woman stamp her foot, something she always did when she didn't get her way. "What's so fucking special about that weak little piss baby?!"

He stopped walking for a moment, his body eerily calm despite his usual adrenaline rush when walking this route. "Insult him again and I'm ripping out your oesophagus with your guitar strings." Taking a deep breath, Saihara readjusted his grey, tattered cap and continued his walk. "Besides, I'm being a loving boyfriend, not a creep." Why did no one understand love?!

"Whatever, stalker. I'll come bail you out of jail again tonight like usual," she scoffed. Saihara rolled his eyes and hung up whilst flipping a middle finger to the screen. He had no intention of being arrested again, nor did he intend to follow that stupid restraining order from last week. A stupid piece of paper couldn't keep him from his beloved!

Returning to his task, Saihara opened a bank website and tried logging into the account, details memorised as if they were his own. He didn't expect a verification to pop up, it didn't usually unless- "Ugh, he must have changed his security questions again." How silly of his boyfriend to change his details so often.

Saihara almost laughed when he saw the three questions awaiting answers. It was almost like his boyfriend made ones that the two both knew! Maybe he did... That's it! His boyfriend wanted Saihara to regain access to his bank account! Mother's maiden name, father's given name and his first pet's name. Easy as pie.

Flicking to his boyfriend's account, Saihara noticed a pending payment made to Hanamura's Diner. His boyfriend ate there every Wednesday after school when his paycheque went through from his weekend job. Saihara joined a few times, but he sat a few tables away. They were still on a date though, and they both enjoyed it!

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