🔮 If I Killed Someone For You 🔮

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Ships In This Oneshot

[Pregame] Saiouma - Shuichi x Kokichi

~ Warning ~ This oneshot involves implications of murder and serial killers.

This totally wasn't inspired by the song by Alec Benjamin, what do you mean?


Pouring the red liquid in at the edge of an archway, Kokichi giggled to himself. This will just be in view of the front door, perfect. Looking around at the scene he'd created, his heart filling with satisfaction. Using inspiration from the popular killing game show on television, Danganronpa, Kokichi had created a perfect murder scene. The kitchen looked as if he'd dragged a dismembered body through it, a garbage bag of clothes mimicking a disguised corpse in the corner.

Hurrying to the bathroom, Kokichi took the rest of the fake blood he'd created and placed it on the counter. Closing his eyes tight, Kokichi slammed his fist on the packet of blood, squirting it all over his body and clothes. At least this is easy to wash out of my outfit. Opening his eyes, the boy gasped at how realistic he thought the splatter looked. Taking the remains from the packet, he slapped his hand on his face, creating a bloody, sticky handprint.

Returning to the kitchen, Kokichi grabbed a knife, realising he'd make a mistake. "Oh no! I don't have any more blood!" He exclaimed, pouting. This prank is a failure, I'm so stupid. Gasping, Kokichi excitedly hurried to the archway connecting the kitchen and living room to dip the knife into the blood-covered linoleum. "Perfect! I'm so smart!"

Throwing the 'murder weapon' nowhere in particular, he covered his ears as metal clanged against the ground, the sound grinding his teeth. Approaching the apartment's entrance, Kokichi glanced towards the kitchen. Okay so, from here Shuichi can see a tiny bit of blood, and he'll see me, then when he goes there he'll see the murder scene. I hope he doesn't call the police on me, I don't think he will. Returning to the kitchen, Kokichi stepped in some blood and created a few footprints, adding to the ambience.

At that moment, the front door rattled, the familiar sound of the creaking door opening sending anxious shivers through Kokichi's body. It's game time! "Kokichi!~ I'm home!~" Hearing the door slam shut, Kokichi started his act.

"Shuichi! Uh, w-welcome home b-babe! Stay where you are!"

"Why? Is everything alright?" Shuichi's voice dripped with concern.

"Don't come in here!" Kokichi screamed as if his life were on the line. Rushing out of the kitchen, he watched as Shuichi placed his shoes next to the front door, his bag hanging from a set of hooks on the wall. Jumping towards the male, Kokichi used only a fraction of his surprising strength to grab Shuichi and attempt to push him towards the door. "L-Leave the house for a while p-please!" Rarely stuttering when he wasn't distressed or emotional, Kokichi knew it would create another convincing layer to the prank.

"What happened? Is that blood?" Shuichi's attitude concerned the other male, acting as if he always saw people covered in bodily fluid.

"J-Just get out!" Kokichi screamed, willing tears to drip down his face as he tried to push Shuichi around, failing miserably as Shuichi overpowered him. He knows I'm strong, I'll just play this off as being shaky or something. To add to the sudden change in idea, Kokichi twitched his hands, his body starting to tremble as he took shaky breaths.

"What's in the kitchen?" Shuichi asked nonchalantly, side-stepping out of Kokichi's grip and entering the kitchen, laughing at Kokichi's futile attempts to control him. As the two stepped into the kitchen, Kokichi ran in front of Shuichi to attempt to block his view, noticing the taller male's gaze drifting off into imagination land.

Without warning, Kokichi started bawling, crying his eyes out on command as he usually did. "I'm sorry Shuichi! I made a mistake!"

"Why did you kill something? Did an animal get in here?" Shuichi laughed, patting the boy's head as he wept. "What happened?" Kokichi stopped crying and stared into Shuichi's soul, his expression unusually serious and desperate. Gripping Shuichi's arms, Kokichi held on for dear life.

"If I killed someone, would you love me more? Have I proved myself to you yet? Do you love me now?" 

"Some... One? Kokichi, I'll always love you but what have you done?" Willing his expression to harden, Kokichi didn't falter for one moment. He said nothing as Shuichi glanced around the kitchen, his golden eyes widening as he processed the scene. "W-What's happened here? This- This is too much blood for an animal... Who's in th-that bag?!" Woah, I've never seen Shuichi behave like this, he's never lost his composure like this in front of me. Hell, I've never even seen him stutter, much less panic.

Kokichi grinned, hugging his boyfriend as tight as he could. "You'll love me more now, right? Now you can't worry about anyone else but me, I'm the only one you love. You belong to me, my beloved!" 

Ignoring what Kokichi had just told him, Shuichi laughed. "Kokichi, I love you and all but this is quite a sloppy job, you need to do better next time. That's okay, the first time is always the most disorganized." Their clothes stuck together with the fake blood as Shuichi peeled the smaller away, grabbing his face and kissing him deeply. What's going on, this is definitely not the reaction I expected? Is he excited because I've become a murderer? He must just be likening me to the murderers on the Danganronpa killing show, he's way too obsessed with it. "I'm so glad you'd done this babe! Now you can join me!" Shuichi cheered, blushing from excitement.

"Join you?"

"Yes! I know you've heard of the Tokyo Terminator! Well, guess who!~" Shuichi cooed, whispering into Kokichi's ear. The male shuddered, his boyfriend's warm breath tickling his ear.

"N-no you're not, the Tokyo Terminator is a fifty to sixty-year-old female!" Kokichi argued. Is he pranking me back?

"Only because I'm great at disguises. Where do you think I go every week? I don't have a full-time job, you know that." Shuichi laughed, drooling as he continued with his revelation. Kokichi used all of his strength to push out of Shuichi's grip, his eyes wide with panic.

"Sh-Shuichi, this is a prank, I... I didn't actually kill someone! Y-You're a serial killer?!"

Shuichi sighed, staring at the ceiling. "Wow, I should've known. I wonder how you made the blood look so realistic," he thought to himself out loud. "What shall I do now that you know who I am?"

"N-nothing, because I'm going to join you."

"...What?" Shuichi asked, genuinely shocked.

"I'm going to stand by you and help in any way possible. I love you with all my heart Shuichi Saihara, nothing is going to make me stop caring about you." Whatever happens, I can't lose him, I'll do anything for my boyfriend.

"Perfect, let's go out for your first murder tonight then babe!~" Shuichi purred, deeply kissing the smaller male again, ignoring the sticky substance still combining their clothes.

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