🎀 Pregame Meets Ingame [Maki] 🎀

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Ships In This Oneshot

Oumaki - Kokichi x Maki (Platonic)
Saimatsu - Shuichi x Kaede (Platonic)


~ Day 1 ~

"Puhuhuhu~ Everyone please make your way to the gym for a very important announcement! Otherwise, I'll kill your friends and family!" Monokuma's shrill voice echoed from the speakers in the Ultimate Academy. Kaede and Shuichi's conversation halted as they hurried towards the gym, needing not to speak any words to each other at the moment.

Once through the large gym entrance, Shuichi noticed he and Kaede were the last to arrive. He looked around at his peers, noticing a mix of fear and calm, then there was just Kokichi, whose behaviour and emotions remained the eighth wonder of the world. "Ah great, you all made it! How... delightful" Monokuma spat the last word as he danced on the large stage before the sixteen teenagers. "Now, I told you all this was a killing game, and no one has been killing! It's been a whole fucking month of motives, you all seem to need a little push!" 

Monokuma's motives caused a few people to fall into despair multiple times over the prior month, but everyone... almost everyone... had grown close. No one wanted to kill their friends. "I'm going to give you all an extra friend for five days! Four of you lucky students will have a doppelganger! Another version of whoever you choose will run around amongst you all, but this version won't be the same as who you see around you. They'll act exactly like the real you."

The real us? Surely that means they won't change then... right? Shuichi held his chin in thought, unable to comprehend the headmaster's words. "Now then, I've already decided who will be targeted. Unfortunately, not all of you can go through this because that's too much effort and frankly, some of you won't bring enough despair. Our first, luckiest student is Maki Harukawa!"

"It'll be okay Maki-Roll, just focus on happy thoughts!" The girl rolled her eyes at Kaito's encouragement, trudging onto the stage beside Monokuma. A bright light enveloped the entire room for a few seconds. Once the light faded, the group could see two identical Maki's staring at each other. 

"Who are you?" New Maki glared at Maki.

"Maki Harukawa." The Maki everyone knew replied coldly, making her way towards Kaito again as Monokuma and his children disappeared.

"Oh, I guess we're the same person then!" New Maki grinned, clapping her hands together in excitement. "Hello everyone, it's nice to see you all again!"

"Woah! Maki has a nice side?!" Kokichi shouted, running up towards the new Maki and grinning. "Who would've known?!"

"What? Kokichi you've always said I'm nice..." New Maki looked down at her feet, clearly trying not to cry.

"Me? Liking you? Now that's a new one." 

"How could you say that? We're best friends!" Maki shouted, balling up her fists in depressed anger. Her sentence shocked the entire group, Kokichi slowly backed away from both Maki's.

"Um, before we continue, I'd like to suggest something." Shuichi interrupted, attempting to distract anyone from attacking New Maki with questions. "I think it'll be confusing with two Maki's, so how about we call our Maki by Maki and the new version of her Harukawa."

"That sounds good!" Harukawa clapped her hands together again, grinning from ear to ear. Everyone else agreed, glad that the confusion would at least be minimised. "Although, I have a few questions that have been on my mind for a while."

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