🍋 There's a First Time for Everything 🍋

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Ships In This Oneshot

Saiouma - Shuichi x Kokichi

~ Warning ~ This is smut, therefore, there are sexual themes. You also shouldn't read this if you're underage. Also ~~ time.

This is my first time writing smut, can people please tell me what I can do to improve? I'd love any constructive criticism!!
If you know me IRL, no the fuck you don't and get the fuck off my account :D Unless you're Max, then you're chill.

Fair warning, this should be obvious, but Shuichi and Kokichi are adults. I will NEVER write smut with underage characters under ANY circumstances.


Shuichi flipped the page of his book, reading before he could go to sleep for the night. He quickly glanced at the boy in his lap, on his phone waiting for Shuichi to go to bed. Kokichi had been shifting around in his boyfriend's lap a lot, more fidgety than usual. This made it hard for Shuichi to concentrate on his book, the friction in his lap creating the worst distraction he'd ever encountered, and most embarrassing. His face turned red as he realised something mortifying.

"Um, Kokichi, how about we go to sleep?" Shuichi stuttered, ready to make any excuse to get Kokichi off his lap so he could cover his erection forming underneath his thin pyjama pants.

"Hm? You've only been reading for five minutes, are you sure you're tired?" Kokichi asked, leaning his head back to stare at his boyfriend.

"Well, I have work in the morning so I should sleep early."

"Tomorrow is Saturday," Kokichi frowned, turning around and straddling Shuichi. Oh, right, it is, fuck.

"I'm just tired, you don't have to sleep but I will," Shuichi mumbled, lifting Kokichi from his lap and placing him to his side. The moment he was free, Shuichi yanked the doona over his lap, slipping further into the bed as he put his book away.

"Alright fine, turn off the light," Kokichi ordered, plugging his phone into a charger. Shuichi flicked off the lamp, hoping to sleep away the erection he'd desperately tried to hide so far. Something's off, why isn't he in bed?

"Kokichi, are you alright?"

"Yep! Just doing something before hopping into bed!"

"Want me to turn on the light?" 

"No!" Kokichi shouted as if he wanted to speak before Shuichi had the chance to act. Alright then... Curling up slightly, Shuichi groaned quietly, annoyed at himself for the situation. Turning to face the wall, Shuichi felt Kokichi slipping into the bed behind him, wrapping his around his waist. Please don't go lower, please don't go lower. "Hey, what gives?! Why aren't you facing me?"

"My uh, shoulder hurts right now, I can't lie on that side," Shuichi stuttered, unable to speak a convincing lie. I guess I could masturbate, but with Kokichi here that's weird, even if he is my boyfriend. Even if I went into the bathroom I'd be too worried about him catching me.

"I don't think you're telling the truth Shumai!~" Kokichi sang, slowly trailing his hands lower on Shuichi's body. "You know what I think the truth is? You're hard just from me sitting on your lap, like a virgin.~" As he finished his sentence, Kokichi's hand ran over his boyfriend's clothed dick, provoking a gasp from Shuichi. This is so embarrassing, is this really happening? Although, I suppose I'm not opposed to it. 

Kokichi rested his head on Shuichi's shoulder, palming the bluenette's erection through his pyjama pants. "Do you want to go further Shumai?~" he purred into the male's ear as Shuichi bit his lip.

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