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Walls built like an ancient days, big doors, a golden chandelier in the middle of my  big room that can occupy 50 people, big bed that even my 4 cats can lay down with me but still too much spaces for us, a ceiling 20 foot tall from the floor, big pillars across every hallways, long table that looks like an Olympic pool when I sit down at the far edge of it, 20 kinds of food that will put on the table that 20 maids will bring to me every time I sit down alone during meals, different type of cars, a movie theater and lots of stuffs , name it and we have it.

Many thinks I am living the best life as a young woman, A BIG NO.

I never gone to school since my first preschool at the age of four because my parents, nanny, butler, maids and even our drivers telling me that outside of the four corners of this mansion is a dangerous world so they gave me a personal tutors that will teach me the things I need to learn.


No classmates, no cafeteria, no school bell, no school bus and even principals or deans.  But my tutors are all fucked up. - wait! did I just cursed? Yes I did but I am not allowed to. I have friends? yes. my  friends Tenten and Bambam. they are my best friends because they are the only friends I have with the same age as mine. Bambam is my butler's son and is older a year to me but I think he is smarter than my tutors. He teaches me things that my tutors didn't mind talking about- the real life outside the mansion. While Tenten is our gardener's only son. He is the type of person that is shy at first but will definitely rock your world when we got closer. He sometimes getting out of place when the three of us bond because Tenten is a bookworm. He likes studying about history of the world and I can't help but to wonder if he wants to travel too because I do want to travel the world. But no one of us will resist when it comes to playing "the three musketeers" yes it  is a French historical written in 1844 by French author . It is in the genre, which has heroic, chivalrous swordsmen who fight for justice.We knew that story of course to our dear friend, Tenten.

Bambam, Tenten and me call ourselves as "the  PraTenBam" . We always hang out one hour before my studies and it was the best time of my day. When they are not around, my day will be boring and I don't know what else to do.

Growing up being known as the "Thai Princess"  with only nannies and butlers, and gardeners and drivers around me because my dad is literally the King of Thailand  or formally known as  Royal Thai Government. Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, under which form of government the King serves the People of Thailand as "HEAD OF STATE", under the terms of the Constitution of Thailand. (It should be noted that the Constitution provides that the successor to the King may be a Princess, and not necessarily a Prince, and therefore some translators use the word "Monarch" instead of the word "King" in translating this Constitution into English. The word "monarch" is a non-sexist term, which indicates a monarch may be either a man or a woman.) 

My dad will appoint the leaders that will lead the government of Thailand and as the only daughter of King Marco Bruischweller and Queen Chitthip, I must inherit their throne as soon as I am ready and they are in their 60's.

..but I am not and will be not ready to that heavy baggage that they will soon put on my shoulders.

You may say I am a stubborn kid, but I may say I am just a kid that wants a simple yet a peaceful and happy life.

Being the Thai Princess makes me feel like a modern Rapunzel who got imprisoned inside a tower wondering the life outside of her jail for years. My dad finally let me to go out for an hour to the mall or eat at the famous Thai restaurant but I got many guards wherever I go that my own privacy got snatched away from me and the feeling of people starts gazing at me at all times feels like I want to just disappear in an instant.

I want to do what a normal girl can do out of paparazzi's flashes of cameras and people running after me whenever they see me.

In my 24 years of existence, coming out of my closet to my Royal parents came out easier than I expected over the years. Yes. I am a bisexual woman. I am somehow attracted to guys but I prefer girls more which my parents are totally not against of it but with some conditions.

---> First, my long blonde hair will remain uncut  up to a minimum mid-back length until I crowned as the next queen and I don't think it's necessary but I let it slide so no more arguments.

---> Second, I will still wear chick-style dresses especially gowns for formal events which I don't think it's a problem to me but I am more comfortable with jeans and plain shirts.

---> Third and the most impossible for being a bisexual like me, NO GIRLFRIENDS. I don't even have the time on my own to have a girlfriend in the first place. (chuckle)

---> And lastly, No hanging outs with random people and only Tenten and Bambam are the friends I supposed to hang out with.

All in all, USELESS. They still wins and it's non-beneficial for me.

I am strangled with duties and responsibilities of being the next queen as my subject tutorials when I was a kid becomes tutorial in different languages, tutorial in self defense (Thai boxing and  Mhuai Thai  to be exact), tutorial in posture and table manners and more.

It kills me.

It makes me want to runaway and make my life be simple on my own where no one knew me especially when Bambam and Tenten left the country to have a better job at South Korea. I envy them so much and also longing for them as I have no one to talk about my complaints and accepts my tantrums when I am too drown from my parent's wants and needs me to do for them.

I became closer to our gardener and my butler when my friends left the country cause I know how hard for their parents to be far away from their loving kids. They become my cool dads when my Dad is not around, well King duties always give him the 24-hour time to be outside of the palace with my mom needs to be beside him in all times.



Credits to all the photos I gathered on google and I tried to edited it to make it far similar to the one I saved.

Some facts are deeply researched and some facts are out of my own imagination.

This story is purely made on my own and if it is similar to some stories you've read or watched, it was purely unintentional.

Thank you for those who will leave a star and comment every pages..

I will be very grateful if you do read my other JenLisa stories as well. Thank you for the support readers and always keep safe!

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