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I am inside a club partying with people that I never saw in my entire life. They are happy. They are laughing,dancing, drinking and enjoying the night! It somehow feels like happiness inside me. I was in the middle of the dance floor with the crowd full of people when I saw a familiar face from a big man at the end of the crowd. He is just standing while looking at me with a tear in his eyes.

"dad?" I ask as I made my way and pushed people in front of me until I saw him getting his back at me and slowly walking away.

"daddy wait!" I shouted but the people ignores me like they didn't here me.

I've been pushing people and it feel like it is almost hundreds of them but still I can't get near to my father. i push hard and I  dropped my body on a hard stoned floor. I stood up and wiped the dirt on my jeans and saw my knee already bleeding from falling down. An unknown cold breeze around me made me realize that I am on top of the hill. No one is around me but I am surrounded with large hills in a dark night. I want to run but I can't cause I am hanging on a cliff.

"Lisa!" I hear a familiar voice. I look around but I can't see no one.

"Lisa I'm here!" I heard again and look around again to find Jennie on the other cliff that is now a meter a way from me but we will fall if we move just a little. She is waving at me and shouting my name in a crack voice.

"don't move! you might fall! Let me figure this out okay?" She smiles at me but instead of answering my question, she let out tears from her eyes and with a crack voice she shouted, "I love you my Lisa". My tears started to fall and ready to jump across her but in a blink of an eye, Jennie is like been dragging away from me as her hill is moving.

"please.. No.. no.. wait! Don't!" I shouted with tears running down my cheeks and everything gets black again.



"please no.. no .. wait! ..don't"  I started to tap Lisa's wet cheeks because the tears falling from her eyes. She's been dreaming and I can't wake her up.

"Lisa!" I shake her shoulders and she quickly half sit while panting hard. Her sweats and tears mixed all over her face while she quickly looked around panicking. She met my gaze and quickly hold my both cheeks with her hands and pull me into a tight embrace.

"tell me this is real" She said in a raspy voice while embracing me and I can feel her heart pounding hard. I got stiffen but bring back my sense when she asked me.

"It's okay I'm here.. I'm real" I caress her back and feel her body starting to steady and comfortable. I slowly pull away and hold her both cheeks to wipe the tears and sweat.

"That's just a dream okay?" She nods and saw her flicker an eye as she lifts her bandage hand, Her brows crossed trying to remember what happened last night. She look around and unfamiliar place welcomed her when she composed herself.

"This isn't your room nor mine..Wh-where are we?" She asked. I stop myself from laughing seeing her reaction when she noticed her clothes.

"this.. This is not mine! Did you?-" She quickly cover her body with the blanket acting like a virgin teenager. I shake my head and pull the blanket out of her.

"Don't act innocent. We already did it once remember?" I smirked as she look away feeling embarrassed.

"wait-" She said to stop me from my tracks. I was about to get out of the room to clean up the things I need to bring with Lisa at her home.

"A-are we okay/" She asked stuttering while scratching her nape. I deeply sigh and walk slowly as she remain standing. She flinched as soon as I hold her hands .

"If you promise me to tell me everything happened yesterday from the time I left you until you made it on the rooftop" I saw her swallowed hard but the sincerity in her eyes as she needs makes me sigh in relief. Hand in hand, Lisa and I went out of the building.

"how about my big bike?" She asked when I commanded her to enter my car.

"you think you can handle driving with your one hand?" I raised a brow at her and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"well I can still feel muscles inside of it" She answer and I answered by giving her a dagger look. Lisa widen her eyes and didn't argue anymore the obey my instructions as she get inside the passenger seat.

"I will tell Bobby to bring it on the bar and you!- you will rest.. no more hang outs.. no more going to your bar.. no more buts Manoban!" She pursed her lips when she was about to say something.

"cute" I said and started the engine going to my apartment.

"Why here in your place? isn't your mom already there?" I nod and want to suppress a laugh knowing where this conversation will lead us.

"but Jennie!" she refused like a kid.

"You will going to stay here for today Lisa it's not like you are going to get me pregnant!" I chuckled as she roll her eyes. I get out of the car and she did too.

"But Jennie! Your mom's first impression is a big deal! And look at me!" She wined. I know what she's up to and I know how important the first impression from your partner's parents but to be honest, Lisa in a over-sized shirt and sweatpants with Bobby's beanie on her hair makes her even hotter for me

"trust me Baby! She will like you" She winked and held her hand for me to intertwine

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"trust me Baby! She will like you" She winked and held her hand for me to intertwine.

"stop wining.. you look so hot!" I said in a flirting tone as she chuckled and sigh.

"Mom! we're here!" I shouted as soon as I open our main door for us to enter. Lisa's been biting her lower lips constantly while her hand on mine is getting tighter. She is so nervous but I find it cute when she's like that. The way she acts today makes me giggle inside and if my mom is not around, I might pull her inside my room and do something that's been inside my mind since last night.

Lisa looks down again on her clothes when my mom appeared with her glass of wine on hand.

"Hi you must be Lisa?" Lisa looked up and it feels like a slow motion when I saw her eyes widen in shock when she saw my mom with mouth left open and my mom laughing on the side.

"Dr. Kim?" Lisa said in almost whisper but enough for me to hear. i can see the tension on her eyes as she looks at my mom then me and back to my mom with guilt.

Did they knew each other?

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