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Jennie's curiosity lead her to sit in front of me and her mom like we are a kid being questioned by an angry mom.

"you guys need to spill!HOW?" Her mom giggles as I pouted looking down.

"I think I need to leave you two need to talk and Pra-- I mean Lisa?" I looked up to Dr. Kim who is now standing while still holding her goblet with red wine inside and she nod slowly. Even if she didn't utter a word, I know what she mean.  i saw Jennie follow her mom with her gaze and give me a curious looks as soon as her mom disappeared.

"Lisa please.. My curiosity kills me.. How did you know my mom?" She asked as I took the opportunity of her question to start revealing myself slowly.

this is the right time.

"your mom is my doctor since I was a kid. actually she's our family doctor" Her brows knitted.

"But you're a foreigner right? you just visited here for months! how come she--"

"she always visit us once in a while or sometimes she will stay three days in our home every month. Actually she already has her own room back to our home" I bite my lips while looking down. Seeing Jennie getting frustrated makes me want to tell her all at the same time. But it's not good on her and thinking maybe she can't handle it all just once then keeping it slowly can make her take and understand it all.

To be honest, I'm scared for her future reaction and I don't know if revealing my true identity with Jennie will come out good for the us but I know this is the right thing to do and do make my mind at ease one at a time.

"I see..that's why she didn't get shock when I showed her your picture" Her legs crossed and her both arms on top of it that make her right arm supports her chin and her left arm lay freely. She is looking on the carpet with her eyes thinking of something. She is calmer compared to her facial expression minutes ago.

"Actually-"  I started and our eyes met. Her cat-liked eyes that can melt my heart glows and sparkles as she met mine. Jennie is indeed has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my entire life.

"I want to be honest with you" I said that make her smile.



"I want to be honest with you" She said making my heart flutters. I'm shocked with her revelations that my mom is their personal family doctor. That means, my mom always see them but not telling me? She always with the Princess every month without my knowledge? She knew how obsessed I was but maybe she respected the Royal's privacy that even her own doctor have no right to know. It all makes sense though. On my 18th birthday, I asked her to give me something that connected the Thai Princess and she gave me huge pictures with her personal signature on it. I never saw them online or on famous stores but my mom told me that it was a limited edition and her friend brought her those which I believe were the truth!

How come my mom tricked me!

But my mind wonders during my childhood days that she always tell me stories of this sad Princess. If Lisa is younger than me for a year, then she must be this sad Princess? My mind recalls her eyes on those posters and the first time i met her. I can tell how sad are those especially in person. But for the past month, Lisa's eyes sparkle not until the day before yesterday.

"Actually the last night you went to the bar and almost had a fight with Niki, an unknown number called me and tried to block mail me just to have a meet up at 7pm yesterday. "

"what?!" unintentionally released a high pitch knowing that she dealt with it alone.

"please listen first" she pleaded as she hold my free hand with her.

"my mind's been tied up and I don't know how to tell you until my  owed date to you got affected because of me. I've been stressed and worn out until last night"

"and that's the reason you keep glancing on your watch?" She nods with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry if I didn't followed you when you walked out.. I wanted too.. ghad Jennie you're feelings is my priority but the situation was so fucked up that I needed to meet that person"!"  I caressed her hand using my thumb and sadly smiled at her with all the guilt in me for having those negative thoughts about Lisa while she was having a hard time on her own.

"it's me who must be sorry Baby.. I didn't know" She weakly smiled at me.

"That night I was so nervous and it turns out that .." She sigh deeply then chuckled.

"that what?" I impatiently asked.

"It's your mom who wanted to meet me"  Her smile is genuine that made me chuckle a bit.

"my mom blocked mail you? with what?" She smile again.

"Yes but she only did that just to make sure that I will going to the meet up"  My mind raised in suspicions and I saw Lisa's features hardens as she gulped.

"If my mom made you meet her with her block mail, then it must be deep Lisa. She is holding a hard confidentiality on you that made you meet her am I right?" She swallowed a lump on her throat as I made the eye contact to let her know that I can go deeper just to make sure she's telling me all her secrets and trust me with everything.

Spill it out baby. Tell me you're the Princess.

She nods as she unnoticed that her fingers are playing mine while looking away.

"She was actually told me that night that .. " i saw her sigh again. Her looks changed and her eyes became watery.  She is trying ignoring my eye contacts with her so it won't be obvious that she wants try cry. I don't know what's the problem but seeing Lisa in her vulnerable state makes my heart breaks.

I squeezed her hand and I finally got her attention as pair of tears lands on the floor carpet. Without looking at me she said in a crack voice:

"My dad is sick and in no time, he might forget me if I didn't go back home in time" This time, it's me who swallowed a big lump on my throat.

"Oh my ghad-" I pull her on a tight embrace that I felt she needed most at this moment. I will not expect her to tell me her biggest revelation this time because of her problem, but I know she will going to tell me sooner.

Lisa bury her head at the crook of my neck while trying to stop herself from crying.

"It's okay. you can go home baby I can wait" I assure her to make her feelings lighter. I know she think about me and about us and I won't let that situation of us be a burden to her to stop herself to get home. Her father's life is at risk.

"It's not that easy Jennie" She said while slowly pulling away. Her eyes are tired but she forced a smile. A very sad smile.

"What do you mean? Don't think about me or us.. It will remain the same baby until everything will be okay and you can go back here" I said smiling weakly. but inside of me is slowly breaking knowing that Lisa's getting back in her country can lead for her to stay and hard to come back here.

"I can never go back Jennie. not until.."  She said as she stops midway. I knitted my eyebrow and wait for her to respond..

"until we get married.. Marry me Jennie"

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