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Jennie's reaction is all I needed to trust her fully with whatever secrets I need to reveal for my real identity. She didn't judge instead she didn't tell me anything. But the looks on her face says it all. She looks proud and it is all that matters.

"Jennie" I called when she comfortably positioned herself into the bar stool of the counter and I played as her waiter. She looks up to me while playing the rim of her cocktail glass with her gummy smile. I told her everything about being the owner of the bar and how I met Bobby and the night that lead us to get closer. This time, I'm ready.

"It's been months since we met right?" I asked her. She pouted while looking at the ceiling or more like thinking when she return her gaze at me.

"maybe 3 months?" she answered unsure.

"everything happened so fast don't you think?"  I said facing my back at her while I'm pouring my own glass with my favorite drink. My eyes squint a little as soon as I turn my body on her then I saw her worried face and all the joy I saw awhile ago are now gone, but I stay as calm as possible but Jennie's looks took away all the seriousness in me cause I can't stop the chuckle.

"what's with the face Nini?" I want suppressed a laugh but with her dagger look, makes me gulp hard and drink my whisky.

"If you are planning to end this Lisa I swear , I will kill you before you even get out of here" A scary Jennie is a cute Jennie indeed.

"Trust me! It's my pleasure if the one and only Doctor Jennie Kim will end my life but end this? where did you get that idea?" I said that made her giggle inside. She is stopping herself from smiling through my words and it makes my heart flutters more.

"you're making me nervous and worried at the same time.." she roll an eye as I reached out her hands to hold.


Lisa reached out for my hands as she deeply sigh letting out her nervousness. Her eyes sparkles as she looks at me with all pure love and joy obliviously in. My heart starts to beat radically as soon as our hands collide.

"You and me..I mean us.." She point back and forth to us using her free hand  as I wait to her next words.

"I'm not good in words but Nini.."  She sigh again as I remain silent. No words are coming out of my mouth as I still waited for her to continue.

"I..I don't know where this can lead us but I want to try..are you in?"  she asked that makes me confused.

"I still can't understand Lis-"  my words came out as a whisper but shaky as she smiles at me and her pupils became darker. With the help of the lights inside this bar, it sparkles like a star in the dark sky.

"can you be my girlfriend? like..for real?"  my mouth went agape as she cut me off by asking me to be her girlfriend. My heart is jumping in joy but no words can  express how much I waited for this moment.

"Nini?" She asked which made me gulp and pouted like a kid who wants to cry. I'm in the verge of crying when she walked around the counter to closed our gap.  She embrace me tight as i grip her shirt and  bury my head at the crook of her neck to hide all my blush and tears because of pure happiness inside me.

I am just new with this kind of relationship but I'm willing to risk it all as long as I know she wants to fight with even if it will took us to fight against her royal parents. I don't know what are Lisa's plans since we can't hide this forever. But I trust her and her words. Lisa is a very intelligent person. If she decided to pursue our relationship, then I will trust her with all the things that will come up for the next days.

I love Lisa and I can feel her love too. I don't want to question how far will love can lead us, but I am sure that whatever happens, Lisa will decide for the better. If she decided to go back home to fulfill her duties as the next Royal Queen of Thailand, then I will respect that decision. It will hurt me for sure but I don't want to race what the future brings. If it will end up, leaving me at least I tried to fight for her; for us. But loving Lisa and loving me back by her will be one of my greatest decision I made. I will just wait for the right time to sit on a couch and listen to how she will reveal her true identity to me.

Who will thought that my decision of not loving a Princess will break instantly?

We spend another hour inside her elegant bar hand in hand and do our unforgettable stories we shared with each other. Another hour passed and of Lisa's employees are getting inside to prepare for the opening. They all shocked with our presence but still they greeted us especially Lisa with a bow. Even Lisa is the boss, she still bow at them that make my heart melts.

hey guys!" Lisa shouted and all of her employees gather around us. I have no idea if this is their daily routine before starting the night .

"I want you all to meet Doctor Jennie Kim..the trouble maker" I scoffed at her silliness referring to the incident that happened a month ago and made everyone laugh. The relationship of Lisa towards her employees makes me realize that despite Lisa being a Princess or boss with her employees, she remain humble around them and her closeness with them is one of the proofs that Lisa can be a great leader someday. But with that thought, my heart aches in pain knowing that my girlfriend have no choice but to lead her country someday and the choice of leaving me here keeps my heart break.

"just kidding guys.Doctor Kim or Miss Jennie.. my girlfriend"  I was shocked at the sudden meet and greet but it really made me happy on how proud Lili to introduce me as her girlfriend to her employees. But my happiness set aside when I saw Bobby going out the bar with his phone on his ears.

I took the opportunity to sneak out and follow him while Lisa is busy talking to some of her employees.

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