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Great! Jennie left me here and I have no choice but to ride a cab back to her clinic. I wanted to follow her but my time is limited. 6:20 pm wow! I called Jisoo to tell her what happened and my sorry then tried to explain her that I need to meet some client. Somehow to felt a little relief knowing that someone will look after her but still, my heart wants to jump and to her side and just comfort her in any ways. Man! I need to come up with a plan. 

A loud honk break my tensed stares out of nowhere not noticing a cab already in front of me. My mind's been occupied by Jennie's wrath and the unknown caller. 

With almost 15 minutes of my cab ride, I got into Jennie's closed clinic and my big bike parked outside. 6:35pm and I still have 25 minutes for the sudden meeting with a stranger. I start the engine and speed up to arrive on time. The alley she was talking about brings back memories where I first met Jennie Kim fighting over three half maniacs and half thieves. 

6:57 pm

It took all of my left remaining minutes to slow down my pace and reach the alley. I entered the alley slowly with my engine off as I kick of the stand and remove my helmet. It's dark and all I can see are two black cars in front, one silver and one red at the back but all are tinted.  My sight hurt for a sudden turning on of a headlight right in front of me, My vision became blurry but few seconds , adjusted again when the lights turned off, sign that I need to enter that car without knowing who's inside or should I say who are inside? 

I keep my straight face to whoever was inside and act calm. But deep inside me, my heart's in race and my minds blank. I final glanced at my back and walk forward when I see no one. 

The passenger seat opened by itself and I guess it's for me to enter. 

"calm down" I
said feeling determined  to focus on a plan. 

As my feet drags me near, my brow's knitted seeing a lady with a shoulder length hair. Her face is covered with a mask and even when it is already evening, she is still wearing a sunglass. She  looks intimidating on her white V-neck plain shirt topped with up and down beige office style cardigan with a golden pin on the side.  Her face looking straightforward as she commands me to get in and close the door using her distorted voice. 

"or what Princess?" she cut me off. My fist into a ball  while trying to recognize her from my side point of view. 

"who are you and how did you know me?" 

"70% of the population knows you and your family Princess and I'm not here to negotiate"

"then what do you want from m--wait! you--" I asked as I noticed that she is using her own voice and the distorted voice gadget  is gone. It somehow familiar to me but she still not removing her mask and sunglass. 

"Look Limario.. you've been out of the palace for almost 5 months and even media's been quiet for some time, don't act like you don't care in Thailand. Your mom and dad needs you" She stops.

Limario?. There's someone who calls me that and only one person came across my mind...
hell no...She started to remove her mask then sunglass which made me shocked. 

"Dr. Kim?!" I almost screamed inside her car. It's not the Dr. Kim who treats animals.. It's the other, older but Dr. Kim who treats sick people; a physician. This Doctor Kim is a Korean Doctor who my parents hired to become our private-family doctor. She works with us ever since I was young and my parents trusted her so much. She visited us in Thailand once a month for three consecutive days just to make sure everyone's healthy.

"I'm so sorry Limario that I needed to scare you like that." she apologized but I let it passed since Dr.Kim is like a second mom to me. She invented that name for me cause she knew about my gender preference. I trust her how my parents trust her. I quickly pull her for a good hug and pour out all my feelings missing for my parents as I stayed at the crook of her neck and unintentionally cried. I didn't hide any emotions towards her. She was also there when I battled my own demons during Mina's funeral. 

"shhh. they misses you too." She said like she can read my mind. I slowly pull away and postured as if nothing happens. 

"How are they?" I asked while fidgeting my fingers. 

"You can come home anytime you know?" she chuckled as her small laughs reminds me of a certain someone. 

"i don't know if I am ready to be the next.." I got silent and looked outside of the car window as reminding myself that I have a duty to overtake. My flinched a littl when  Dr. Kim holds my hand firmly and sadly smile at me. 

"I don't have a plan on telling you these and your parents told me not to but I think you're in the right mind to handle some situations.." I looked at our hands. I am new to this motherly affection but it caused me a pang on my chest on how my mom never did something like this and at the same time, the tone she let out made my heart skip a beat. 

Unintentionally my eyebrows both raised up. 

"you're father is struggling with his Alzheimer's Disease. throughout the days, it keeps getting worst. From the start he forget little things like, where he put his reading glass which just above her head, or forgetting the car keys. But when my last visit there, his case got worst where he forgot his own room."  my heart sunk as she explain to me my father's condition. My tears betrays me as it fall on its own. 

"Pranpriya, you need to go home, we will never know when will be the time that even recognizing you is too hard for him" 

"but he is just 60! how can that young-"

"Alzheimer's has no age limit. But still, has no cure. It can help him with such vitamins for hours but still, the disease is still there" 

I flopped my back and closed my eyes from what I've heard, This day is too much for me to handle. 

"I will visit them after a week. i will wait for you in the airport" Dr. kim's last words.

9:15 pm 

After having my own drink in my own office inside the bar, consuming myself with alcohol after a really hard and bad day, makes me want to scream and hoping someone will answer my questions. 

I drive to my safe place hoping by screaming will lessen the pain inside me. 

My father is sick and he needs me.
I need to face the reality but..
I need to leave Jennie.. 

I run as fast as I could get to the rooftop by stairs when the fucking elevator stuck at 3rd floor. 

With a bottle of beer on my hand I shouted while tearing. I look at the dark sky and the moon. The last time I checked, it was like a friend who listens to my antics but this time I want to blame the moon for putting so much burden in me. 

"why me?! Why didn't you just give us a simple life?! Why?!"

I broke down kneeling as  the pain inside my heart and the alcohol weakens me.

"Why do I need to leave here? Why do you let me meet Jennie if I need to leave her?!"
"ANSWER ME!!!or just kill me PLEASE"  ...

MEETING THE THAI PRINCESSWhere stories live. Discover now