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"I promise to be back as soon as I fixed everything my love" Hugging Jennie for the last time inside of her room makes me want to stop the time just to be with her for long but reality makes it impossible. She's been crying non-stop since we went home at 2 am and she clings at me like a koala. Jennie wanted to come but exposing her to Thailand as my girlfriend will ruin her peaceful life from all the paparazzi and I don't want to do that.

I went back to Thailand with all the plans I made throughout the flight.

i first confronted my parents about the real deal between them and Rosie's father which caught them off-guard. They eventually told me what happened and I pleaded them to release Rose's father which they quickly obliged. I asked them to moved to new York to have the best doctors that can cure my father's disease and have an excuse once the news about Mina's case spread over in exchange of crowning me as the next Queen of Thailand.

After a month, I crowned as a Queen. It might be my happiness moment but no. No time passed that Jennie slipped of my mind. I miss her so much. I plan to cut all my connections to them in South Korea to focus on my plans and I am hoping they they will never forget about me.

Doctor Kim stopped visiting Thailand because my parents agreed on having the cure on America which she definitely understand.

I hired two men; Mino and Kwon; we disguised ourselves to be an uber driver. We drove around Thailand to know the basic needs of the Thai people especially the poor cities of my country. It will somehow helped me to become a better leader that my father trained me to be.



It's been a year since then.

"you are doing a great job brother!" I hung up the phone chuckling after a quick call from my  brother Bobby who's been nagging me for the left and right interview that's been offering at him since last week. He is so smart enough to handle the biggest position in a span of a year to make himself familiarized with the place and laws he needs to dealt with. I am  inside an Uber ride going to the place that was very memorable to me. The place Jennie and I first met.  After a year of being the Queen, I dethroned myself 
with my parent's permission and gave the throne to my brother. My father's first born. I gather the medias and release a statement in having a conference that took the world by storm. I am just praying that the news never came across South Korea.  Bobby deserved it since his the first born and the rule for being the next in line in royalty is always the first child and having Bobby to be recognized by Thai people is a big relief to me. After all that he's been through, Bobby deserve a such position. In return, he gave me back the bar I offered him before so he can focus on becoming the King.

And now..
 I need to fulfill my promise.. and this is the right time.




Before the day of Jennie's birthday, I arrived at South Korea with Bambam. Sorn and Ten will be having a baby anytime soon so they can't come with us. Bambam decided to meet up with the gang except Jennie. The gang means: Irene, Seulgi, Jisoo, Rose' with her kid and  dad and Jennie's mom and I decided to meet up someone's very precious man to my love's entire being, the man she misses the most,  Mr.Kim. I hired a private investigator and found him in the province of Gangwon pursuing his profession as a Surgeon.

Mr. Kim is a tall -built man with a fair complexion. His fluffy cheeks are very visible that reminds me of her daughter. He has this bubbly and funny aura but being good-looking still remains.

"good evening Sir" I gave Mr.Kim a handshake as soon as he arrives at the meeting place which he quickly obliged.

"How lucky to have a moment with Thailand's Queen" His genuine smile makes me feel comfortable. I guess Jennie get those genes from him.

"It's Lisa Manoban here in South Korea sir." I said as he laugh.

"well, it's Dr. Kim here Queen and welcome in Gangwon!" He gesture a welcoming acts on me which i find adorable.

"Just Lisa sir.." I shyly said and sipped on my wine.

"And it's just doctor Lisa.. well the rumors about you are true" He said and chuckles.

"I hope it's a good thing" He chuckled more.

"you're funny! but yeah..they said that the new Queen is a very humble person and by judging you, I see why it spread so quickly. your parents might taught you well" he winked and lift his glass to drink his.

"Oh what a nice wine!" he complimented.

"so Lisa., what brings you here?" I brought down the wine and clasp my both hands as my gaze went directed to him.

"I will go straight to the point Sir." I saw him gulp and I am liking it in a way that I can intimidate Jennie's father. 

"I'm in love with your daughter and I want you to be my special day on her suprised birthday party"  His eyes widen in surprised and I expected that. 

"oh-" he said after breaking her gaze at me. 

"t-tomorrow" he said almost in a whisper. 

"I think making me your special guest will ruin the surprise " he chuckled. A forced sad chuckle. I kind of pity him at the thought that he felt unwanted by his own family. 

"You still wearing your marriage ring sir and you remember Jennie's birthday so I think that's enough to prove them you still want your family to reunite" My statement shocked him. I see liquid forming on his eyes but he looked away. 

"I think you are misinterpreting things my Queen" His deep low serious voice engulfs his tone at me and calling me again by formal endearment making me feel that I am getting there. 

"I don't think so Mr.Kim, I saw that wedding ring on Dr. Kim's finger too"  His face enlightens as I drink my wine giving him the looks that I am serious about what I've been telling him. I did. I saw that ring bond before and it took me minutes to realize that I saw it on Jennie's mom the time she hugged me before leaving South Korea. 

"I'm the least person Jennie wants to see on her birthday.. I am sure of that" His sad, pleading looks cause my heart to felt a pang. If only he knew how Jennie longs for him everytime we talked about parents. 

"I think I can win  a debate on that" I emptied the glass and put down on the table before continuing. 

"your daughter is my girlfriend sir and I know her well even the size of her cheeks and I promise you that she will be the happiest when she get to see you tomorrow I hope there's no problem with that" 

"problem on going to her birthday? my Queen you have no idea how badly I want to be with Jennie for so long"  I chuckled. 

"not that Sir. The other one." I said as I saw him choked on his own drink after. 

"you mean being her ..? he stops as I nod my head. 

"of course not! whatever makes my daughter happy, is also my happiness and thank you for giving that happiness to her that I certainly lack of for years" Guilt took over him as I quickly cover his hand with mine, reassuring him that everything will be okay. 

The night ends with a smile of victory on my face leaving Mr.Kim with her wife Dr. Kim as soon as Bambam lead her to the restaurant an hour after.

I'm coming my Nini.. Wait for me..

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