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"Who are we going to visit here Nini?" Lisa asked as she pull over her car on the side inside a cemetery. She turned off the engine and Jennie get out of the car not waiting for Lisa to open it up for her and started to walk slowly pacing the graveyard. Lisa gave Jennie the flower they bought along the way as she holds her own.

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"Hi Kai!" Jennie greeted.

"How are you here?"  She said as she lay down and picked up the old flower she left months ago and replaced it with the new one she is holding. She sits in front and pull up a paper towel to wipe her ex-boyfriend's grave.

"I'm sorry for not visiting you for these past months I've been busy with my business and my engagement. See this?" She lift up her finger with a diamond ring that Lisa gave a month ago after proposing on their third year anniversary as girlfriends.

"I am already engaged Kai. I am hope you are happy for me there" She looks up as if she is talking with Kai in the sky and bring her head back to the grave while Lisa is intently watching the scene.Suddenly she remembers the picture she saw on Jennie's SNS account where she is hugging a guy that she thought her boyfriend at the moment. Her trance was brought back with Jennie's gripping and slightly pulling her jeans for her to sit down.

She placed the flower she is holding on Kai's grave as she sits down beside Jennie. Jennie Lean her head on the Queen's shoulder and introduced Lisa to her late ex-boyfriend.

"this is my fiance' Lisa. Lisa this is Kai, my ex-boyfriend. Literally ex-boyfriend before he you know-"  Jennie explained but Lisa only got confused and the latter noticed it.

"I mean a day before Kai died, we broke up from many years in a relationship." Lisa's eyes widen in shock and her mouth went agape which made Jennie chuckled.

"I will tell you the long story on the road later " Jennie whispered at Lisa believing that Kai might hear them talking about him.

"yah of course. Anyways. Hi Kai! ahmm. I don't know why we're here but I think I will take the opportunity to get your blessings. You know for the sake of your past relationship with Jennie. But don't worry man! I will assure that I will take good care of her and our soon to be kids so you won't appear in front of me" Lisa fake a chuckle while Jennie is smiling at her keeping a straight glance with a proud look.

"so - yeah! and you don't have to worry. I will protect her at any cost even if my life will be at stake" Lisa said while bring her gaze to her soon to be wife while uttering the last words and gave Jennie a hand squeeze.

"You mean .. you saw him the moment he is on top of that bitch while doing his --"

"yeah! you don't need to emphasize that!" Jennie cut her off while their car stops during the red light and begun telling storied to Lisa as soon as they walked out the graveyard.

"At first, Kai and I were inseparable. We're like partners in crime. I mean- he's really a good man. He respected me as a woman. Mom likes him, also Jisoo but you know, you can not tell a person's behavior in just a year or two. In short Kai changed. In two years, he respected me when I say NO when he was showing signs of being a man in need. You know what I mean right?" Lisa nods slowly and hit the gas.

"So how did he died? If it's okay to ask.. you don't need to answer if you're not comfortable with it"  Lisa side glance at her and gave Jennie a timid smile> Being understanding makes Jennie's heart flutters at the sight.

"The day after I caught him-" Lisa interrupted.

"banging another girl?" Lisa chuckles at her words that she knew Jennie is careful to say.

"I don't believe you became a Queen for real" Jennie said then rolled her eyes that made them both giggle.

"well to continue, he got a car accident that night and me as being a whipped bitch, got this guilt that maybe he went to a bar to drink and got wasted that made him got into that accident then I found out that the same girl I caught him with, was in his car when the accident happened and in a critical condition, to her luck, she got alive and almost begging for my forgiveness. She told me that they are both wasted, even tried doing drugs that lead them to that hell that I think they deserve but of course I loved Kai too much and no one will claim his body for being alone. He got no parents and leave alone here in South Korea so, I became the -"

"you became a superwoman to help him got out of the morgue and gave him a special burial like a perfect couple you had with him? Am I right?" Lisa cut her off predicting what will Jennie said that made the latter nods in response.





Five months passed, Jisoo and Rose have their own children for having a twin through IVF. Seulgi and Irene made their family even bigger for having the second baby boy. Lisa and Jennie?

They live a happy married life in the palace that made the history of Thailand changed for having again Lisa as their first lesbian King with Jennie as Thailand's Queen.



I know you were all patiently waiting for the updates but my tummy needs some refill and my broke ass needs my job desperately. Being a team leader leads me to hell. *chuckles*
My jobs kinda stopping me to make time for updating but THANK YOU SO MUCH for still supporting. please support me along the way.. I don't need too many votes as long as there's still someone who can appreciate my work, makes me want to write more and do my passion.. THANK YOU READERS!!!


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