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"OMG how tragic!" Rose' exclaimed.

Ten told them the whole story of Lisa and Mina so they would understand what is really happening to his friend except the fact that Lisa is the Thai Princess.

"What happened to the drunk driver?" Jisoo asked.

"to be honest Mina's parents are hopeless for the case since the drunk driver got away from the accident and no one knows where he was." Ten started.

"it's a pity" Jisoo commented as her shoulder drops.

"but! Lisa asked her parent's help and within a month, voila! the drunk driver got arrested but that's the first time we saw an angry Lisa which we prayed we will never saw again until this happened" Bambam sadly stated.

"wh-why? what did she do?" Jennie curiously asked.

"I promise you will never want to know" Bam answered and let out a deep sigh.

"come on! spill it Bam" Rose' nudges Bam's elbow and the guy looked at Ten for approval which the eldest nod in response.

"since we are all under age that time, we were not allowed inside a jail even just to visit some prisoner. But we can't stop an angry Lisa. she changed when Mina died. Like she was not the same Lisa we knew since we were kids." Bam continue in almost a crack voice.

"That time Lisa used his parents influence and some big cash just to let us get in. And yes. We got in. Three minor teens got inside a prison. We don't know exactly what was inside Lisa's mind that time. All we know was that she was desperately wants to talk with the drunk driver and that's it. But then shit happened" Ten stops and let out a deep sigh.

"what happened?" Jennie asked as if she wants to dive in the very least detail of the story.

"well I'm not there during those times but I know all of it." Sorn continue the story when she saw her boys are in a hard situation on finding their time  to reminisce. She looked at the girls and fake a smile.

"well Lisa was trained since a kid in a self defense and different martial arts until she reached her 21st birthday. Ten and Bam kinda forget about how Lisa is a professional fighter. Hell! she can even shoot you in the middle of your forehead even a meter away!" Sorn started recalling how she badly wanted to see Lisa fight not noticing that her excitement are showing which Ten fake a cough on her or she might spill some important facts that are forbidden to tell.

"I'm sorry I just got too excited. Well yeah. Lisa saw the criminal smirking while approaching them like he wasn't felt sorry on what happened to Mina. He even blamed the poor Mina for crossing the street with her earphones on her ears! what a scumbag! So I think he deserved what Lisa did to him!" Sorn roll her eyes in irritation.

"So for the third time, what happened to the --" Jisoo sigh.

"He.. he almost died.. in front of us" Bam said while looking down.

"Wh-that's it? He almost died? all of a sudden?" Rose' asked in confusion.

"with Lisa's strong reflex and angry emotion, Lisa almost kill him and we can't do anything! Fuck! I can't forget how she managed to beat that helpless man even the two of us trying to stop her but we can't! Until Some officers helped us." Ten said.

"But I will never forget how her eyes are firing. She's not the Lisa I know. She's... not her. Until Ten just hug her and then made her calm down. We tried everything to calm her down. I got scared and Ten's hug bring her back. I know she's back when she blinked her eyes multiple times then she was shocked that she did that" Bambam shed a tear and Ten  tap him on his shoulder.

"do you have an idea where she is right now?" Jennie asked which made Bam lift his head and fake a smile.

"with this kind of cases, she needs to be alone Jen-." Sorn said.

"she's at the rooftop" Bam said without looking at her.

"rooftop? what rooftop? which rooftop?! How did you know she will go there?" Ten asked with a zero knowledge of Lisa's safe place.

"because I'm her best friend Ten. I once followed her when you and Lisa had this argument before. She always go there and scream as loud as she could to release the pain and anger she has."

"where is it?" Jennie asked but Jisoo intrude and hold his hand.

"No Jennie. Lisa's mad right now you might get hurt" Jisoo said in concern on her cousin.

"Lisa will never hurt someone who is special to her" Sorn said and left a smile to Jennie.

"Sorn is right." Bam stood up and look at Jennie.

"She will never hurt someone special to her especially she loves."  Bobby interrupted them.

"Here" Bobby handed a medical kit to Jennie which made them curious on what he said.

"In fact, Lisa got wildly mad because of what that stupid man whispered at her" Everyone knitted their eyebrows and waited for Bobby's next statement.

"Well the guy just said to her that she will make Jennie screamed for help when he bring Jennie on his bed and let Lisa see what he will about to do at-"  Everyone shocked when Jennie runaway holding the kit while holding Bambam's arm to drive her there.

L My right-hand man Bobby, lives here where I always go to scream out all the frustrations and anger in me

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My right-hand man Bobby, lives here where I always go to scream out all the frustrations and anger in me. He lives in an apartment rooftop alone since he got a job on me. His wife and a son lives in Busan with her mom so she has someone who can help her with their kid.

Bobby knows I got here many times. He even gave me a spare key so I can go here whenever I feel like going.

Seeing all the city lights at night in the middle of South Korea with a cold breeze of the air makes me feel calm and emotional. I ignored the blood dropping on my knuckles and the pain cause by the cut on my lips and bruised around it.

I inhaled all the air around me as I closed my eyes and lay my body on the floor. I opened my eyes to see the full moon is like on top of me , witnessing all my doings. 

"what have I done?" I asked the moon like it will answer me back.

"He deserves that beating right? He's a drunk maniac!"  I shouted at the silent moon. 

Again, I closed my eyes and let my realizations took over me. "Am i too much? Am I wrong? Am I a monster?"  That were the questions I keep asking myself every time anger took over me.

"Aren't you gonna take care of your wound? or you're planning to jump over" I quickly open my eyes and closed it again as I saw the image of the girl who made let the beast out of me is in front of me right now and I am hearing her voice!

"fuck! I am hallucinating! I even seeing Jennie!" I shouted.

"ouch!" something landed on my stomach and I quickly open my eyes to see Jennie is really in front of me who is now sitting in front of me with a medical kit bag on my stomach.

"J-Jennie? I mean Doctor Kim?"

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