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It's been a month. yes I'm still out of reached by my parents. I left a message to them thru a friend in Thailand who knew my whereabouts. i just want to let them know that everything's okay and I've been doing well.

I just told them that to make them feel at peace and it will stop people to look for me. My parents held a press conference to tell the world that; it's okay. "My daughter choose to live out of limelight to learn things on her own and be independent abroad and this will be a stepping stone for her to rule Thailand in a best way she can."

It was a dumb reason but it works.

They stopped pestering my friends; Bambam and Ten to look for me and it helps me to come out freely here in South Korea.

They knew that I'm okay but I still have no courage to tell them that:
"hey! your Princess is a lesbian and I like a girl. I even changed my fashion and hair style"
Yes. I want to scream that out but being the Thailand Princess makes me feel that I will be forever jailed on my own reality.

The question is...    
            Until when will my parents let me get this freedom I really want?

For I am sure that everything will come to an end.  Soon enough, I still need to face the reality that Thailand will soon need me as the new Queen to rule the country.

it sucks and it hurts me at the same time.

Why me? I want a simple and peaceful life but yet the world wants it the other way.

Please. If this is a dream. DON'T WAKE ME UP.

Lisa closed her laptop she bought since she  arrived at South Korea to be a diary for her in staying then when the time she keeps on running away comes she will have those moments inside her laptop. She always felt sad after writing down on her precious computer  because the thoughts of leaving South Korea makes her feel stress and emotional.

A knock on her bedroom door makes her thoughts wash away and hide it again inside her heart like she always do. She mask herself again with her bubbly and strong facade before opening the door. She saw Ten waiting outside and smiled at him as soon the door swung open.

"Do you have a minute?"

She always knew it when the eldest; Ten talks with them in their own language, it must be a serious topic that needs a private conversation in a private space. She  nods slowly as confusion strikes her mind on what must be his eldest friend wants to talk about. She open her bedroom door widely for her brother to enter.

For the first time, Ten entered Lisa's room and as he looks around,  he was amazed with the things and decoration Lisa have inside.

The pottery,  cutlery, handmade mulberry paper, teak furniture, traditional musical instruments and Thai puppets, etc. she bought in a Thai store in Hongdae.

But what caught the eyes of Ten is the little frame on the Princess computer table with her wearing the Princess crown in an elegant golden Thai dress which taken during a shoot her parents beside it is another frame with her and the King & the Queen and another with her cats.

"I see how important our country is for you"

Lisa snatch the frame that her friend is holding and put it face down on her table.

"you never come inside of my room that's why I think it is important. What is it?" Lisa seriously asked while comfortably sitting down with her legs crossed on her bed across Ten.

"You know how I like that version of yours. serious, too casual, professional, smart-looking.. you have grown so much Lisa. But ! for the better!"

"stop being cheesy Ten just tell me the problem"

"I'm not being cheesy Lisa. I just want to tell you that I will support you in all ways on whatever makes you happy."

"and that's cringes me! come on! cut the crap!" Lisa slap his shoulder that makes them chuckle.

"okay-okay-here!" Ten give Lisa a big folder that makes the Thai beauty curiously wonder what's inside.

"All your papers are done. You can now live here freely with your Korean name; Lalisa Manoban. All documents are done in a legal way. Of course with the help of your money and a little connections, you don't need to worry, they will never track that whatever they did to those and my friend's lips are perfectly sealed. So your secret is safe with us three and to those two who helped us." Ten finished his sentence with a wide grin at youngest whose eyes are sparkling in joy.

"Oh my ghad Ten! I want to meet those guys!" Lisa said.

"You mean V and Jeon?" Ten answered in question.

"whatever they name is, I want to thank them personally" Lisa stood up and hide the documents under her bed where a big black box are hiding. Inside of it are Lisa's valuable things she carried from Thailand. Her phone which is currently off so her dad's men will never track her down.Her old laptop, camera where her parents and workers inside the mansion, her favorite book and the golden dress with her crown.

"good. but let me remind you that those two guys are in a relationship."

"and so?" Lisa answered causally while finally locking her box and back to her position with her arms leaning at the back on her bed.

"just saying in case you might get curious the way they interact." Ten defensively said. Lisa chuckled while shaking her head.

"It's okay I am getting used to it."  ten nods in response and was ready to go out and Lisa following him when she stops and looked back for the last time. which made Lisa shocked a bit.

"I just want to tell you one last thing" Ten seriously asked. Lisa intensely looked at him in the eye and waited for his next words.

He quickly embrace Lisa that made her stiffen but comfortable in a second because ten is not the type of guy that will gets emotional in front of others nor being a clingy type brother to them. He does it so often that it will get them emotional too.

"I just want to tell you how proud  I am as your brother to the woman you become and whatever you need, always remember that we are here with Bambam and Sorn to support you always Princess. Let's just wait for the right time and everything will be okay and happy. I'm sure if your parents see how better you've become, she will proud of you too" 

Lisa shed a tear and return the same hug Ten is giving her.

" Thank you so much bro" .

Ten pulled first and crumpled Lisa's hair which made the princess open her door and pushing out her brother at the back. 

"oh hey! We didn't know you are both here.I-I am sorry I brought Jennie with me and--"  voice of Bambam and the name that keeps LIsa ignoring for a month made her stop playing around.

After the meeting and catching up in a cafe a month ago, Lisa decided to ignore Jennie because of her bestfriend Bambam who's been liking the same girl she is starting to like. 

Ten furrowed his eyebrows to Bambam but Lisa got stiffen.

"I..I am so sorry for coming here. It's a coincident it's not what you think. Bambam just-"  Jennie cut Bambam by explaining herself.

"It's okay. You don't need to explain. It's not a crime inviting a friend here. Right Bam?" Lisa's facade of being strong begin to masked her again. Ten looked at her worriedly but the tall girl has no reaction.  She went straight to fridge and grab a pitcher and pour herself a glass of water.

"Enjoy the night. I need to do some errands. Nice to meet you again Doctor Kim". Lisa shouted and smile at them then waved goodbye like the scene doesn't affect her.

After closing her bedroom door, Lisa felt the pang on her chest that she's been dealing with every time she thinks about the doctor.

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