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The feeling of being tired even just waking up from my deep slumber somehow gives me the creeps to never move my body around. Those white ceiling with 2 long fluorescent white lamps are too strange for me as my eyes finding it hard to keep it open because of too much light coming from it. My room has a smaller lights and it's not on white. I close my eyes again trying to remember everything happened before getting here; in a strange place.

"the princess!" I quickly shouted as I pull my half body up and immediately felt dizzy.

"easy Jendeukie!"  I heard that very familiar voice from my annoying cousin; Jisoo.

"Is this a hospital? where is she?" I quickly asked as soon as my eyes met Jisoo's eyes while Rose' is sitting comfortably on the couch talking on the phone with someone.

"where is who? a-are you okay? should I call the nurse? the doctor?" Jisoo panicking is a very uncommon on her but it makes me feel thankful because I have her despite of being away of my mom.

I waved my hand and sit still trying to make my sight stay still too. With the spinning of the room makes me feel like vomiting but my throat is very dry.

"the princess Chu. Princess Pran-" She cut me off by letting out a chuckle.

"a-are you sure you're okay? It looks like you are still hallucinating" She checked my neck using the back of her hand and nod to Rose' that quickly got up and went to the nurse station as I follow her with my gaze.

"Chu, I.AM.NOT.HALLUCINATING! I swear I saw!  her she's the one who helped me with those scumbags!"

"alright Jennie! The Princess has this long blonde hair and missing! but the one who helped you, has this short black hair with the name of Lisa and not Panpriya. Here! she left a number in case you will file a case to those assholes!"

I rubbed my temples while holding the paper with the number of this Lisa.
Am I just hallucinating? Isn't it the Thai Princess?

Gosh I need a drink!

"hey wifey! you okay?"  I slowly looked at Rose' who has that endearment with me. Rose' and I are really good friends since college and because the Earth is so small, she met my cousin Jisoo and we got reunited again.

"yeah-of course maybe I just felt dizzy and thought the one who helped me is the missing Princess"  I sigh and lowered my head on top of my folded knees and felt Rose' caressing my hair.

"It's okay Jennie. The nurse will gonna come here and check up on you to check if it's okay if we can take you home"  By the sound of her voice, I know for the moment that she is smiling.

I just nod in response and I heard her chuckled.

do I look like a fool for the Princess?

"-and Jen! you might take a quick call with Lisa and say your thanks! I invited her for dinner and she said some other time" I looked at her hearing her little giggles.

"please don't tell Jisoo but this Lisa is so fucking hot and  cool and cute-oh my ghad! If I am not attached with your cousin, I will make sure to get into her pants--" she laughed again and continue.

"just kidding but she's so freaking hot and I think you two can be a perfect couple just forget about your wet dreams with the Princess"  she winked  and left me when my cousin entered the room with a petite snow white nurse.

"Hi Miss Kim! I'm Nurse Somi and It's so good to see you in one piece and you might thank Lisa" She giggled too and wait! Did she just called her with her name? This savior of mine got me so curious of how ladies giggled when they talk about her.

"Is she still around the hospital?"  I asked the nurse while checking on my vitals. She shakes her head and collected all her medical equipment.

"She left an hour ago after we ate dinner. She wanted to wait til you woke up but I think something came up. I have her number you might want to-" I cut her in between her actions of getting her phone.

So, you also spend dinner?

" Nah it's okay Nurse Somi. My cousin's girlfriend already had it. Is she somehow your relative? I don't want to pry I just noticed you call her casually."  I know I sounded like a bitch but I can't help it and I don't know why my blood boils every time she calls her informally. And the way she giggled hearing her name? Arggg! it makes my blood boil and my mood dropped.

"Oh! I'm sorry my bad. It's just that Lis- I mean Miss Lisa Manoban insist to call her with her first name."

"No it's okay nurse ISomi! Maybe Jennie's a little bit tires and hungry since she never eat anything right Jennie?" My cousin's eye giving me a death look as I roll my eyes at them.

"It's okay Miss Jisoo, she got a point! Anyways  Miss Manoban said that she will wait for the call on updates with Miss Jennie. You can take her home I just need some papers that you need to sign  and everything's ready to go"  She smiled at me like I never been a bitch to her.  No wonder this Lisa got her attention because of her gorgeous face and her pretty smile.

Wait! what the fuck I care of those two?!

I face palm myself after the nurse and Jisoo left the room.

"do you want me to buy anything you want to eat or let me decide for us?" I smile weakly at Rose' making myself feel embarrassed in front of them with my unknown attitude.

"Just buy anything you want hubby. Thank you" I weakly smile again as she close the door and left me alone and I cover my face with my hands.

I lift up the paper and reached for my phone inside my bag that almost snatched thankfully, Lisa Manoban came to helped me.

"Hi good evening may I speak with Miss Lisa Manoban?"

I let out a deep sigh and I know she heard it after I heard a chuckle.

"Yes speaking. May i know who is this?"  Her deep raspy voice send chills to my spine.

Maybe Jisoo and Rose are right. This is not the Princess. I may not heard the Princess' voice but I know it is somehow more feminine compared to the person on the other line.

"Hello? Still there?" She asked after seconds of silence.

"Ah yes! yeah.. I ahh.. I--I'm still here sorry for the silence. It's me Jennie.. Jennie Kim. the one you helped with a while ago"  I bit my lips from the stuttering hoping she will let it slide.

" Oh! y-eah..y-yeah ! How are you?  Thank Goodness you're awake!"  She sounded nervous but it is more sexy and cute at the same time.

I hang up the phone when Rose and Jisoo came back with foods on their hands. I didn't noticed the smile left on my lips  after a 30-minute conversation with her.

She's so funny and cool at the same time and I can't help but to laugh at her jokes and end up inviting her for a dinner to thank her but she refused for an important plan.

"looks like someone switched her mood!" Jisoo , my cousin noticed.                                                                              

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